Horizontal writing paper
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
February 16, 2001 Bartleby, in Herman Melvilles short story Bartleby the Scrivener is a character who lives his life in utter isolation Essay Example For Students
February 16, 2001 Bartleby, in Herman Melvilles short story Bartleby the Scrivener is a character who carries on with his life in absolute disconnection Essay Bartleby, in Herman Melvilles short story Bartleby the Scrivener is a character who carries on with his life in absolute segregation. Notwithstanding, it is clear from the story that he affects one people life. The storyteller of the story, a matured legal counselor, is a mindful figure, however much the same as most managers, stays away and defends every circumstance. He change into a thoughtful and influenced character results exclusively from his somewhat constrained relationship with his representative, Bartleby. At the point when Melville depicts Bartleby, he presents the man as an exceptionally harmless, unassuming figure. In answer to my promotion, a still youngster one morning remained upon my office edge. I can see that figure now à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" pallidly perfect, pitiably good, inconceivably miserable 117. From the earliest starting point, the storyteller treats him the same as the remainder of his staff; he is gracious, kind and treats the man with no insolence. It is, be that as it may, self-evident, the storyteller is an essentially a business. He employs Bartleby, and anticipates nothing a greater amount of him except for to buckle down. Bartleby doesn't frustrate either. He appeared to pig out himself on records 118. Be that as it may, there is something wrong in this circumstance. The man is quiet. He just works, secluding himself from the workplace and the outside world. He very quickly starts to react to any demand with the expression, I would favor not to 118. From the outset, the storyteller is clearly shocked at this reaction, yet likewise fascinated. Be that as it may, he before long comes to fear those words, as they are the main ones said by Bartleby. For reasons unknown, however, the storyteller can't let Bartleby leave. Much after Bartleby won't work any longer, he permits him to remain in the workplace, sitting idle. In doing this, the storyteller has effectively moved from far off business to concerned human. In plain truth, he had now become a grinder to me, pointless as a jewelry, yet afflictive to hold up under. However, I felt frustrated about him 127. Despite the fact that Bartleby has no explanation behind being in the workplace, his boss permits him to remain, in any event, pe rmitting him to live there. This is without a doubt not ordinary office conduct. It demonstrates the storyteller has a thoughtful heart, and progressively is influenced by Bartlebys aloof presence over the long haul. The storyteller, a clearly intelligent, sound man, as attorneys will in general be, makes a huge effort to stay away from struggle with the quiet man. He even changes workplaces to free himself of Bartleby. Despite this, and maybe even an aftereffect of it, he turns out to be significantly more laced with the man. Free myself of him, I should.; go, he will. Be that as it may, how? You won't push him, the poor pale, latent human No, I won't, I can't do that. Or maybe would I let him live amazing. 132. Bartleby, in his isolation, directly affects the storytellers life. For most managers managing and worker like Bartleby, without a doubt power and hatred would be included. However, this kindâ hearted elderly person doesn't treat Bartleby with any pessimism. This by itself ought to demonstrate that the storyteller isn't the cool, determined individual he is so frequently described. As the storyteller attempts to expel himself from the circumstance with Bartleby, he finds that it can't be so. In the wake of leaving his office to free himself of the perturbing nearness, the proprietor of his office suite is altogether amazed to discover Bartleby has not left the premises. The main individual the proprietor calls upon to cure the circumstance is, obviously, the storyteller. Hesitantly, the storyteller adventures once again into Bartlebys abnormal universe of self-detachment and devastation. After the proprietor has Bartleby tossed into prison for vagrancy, the storyteller is the just one to go to see him, to attempt to support him. Be that as it may, the tremendous lonliness of Bartlebys life has just arrived at its last decision. In a passing fitting for a figure of seclusion, Bartleby has been fruitful in slaughtering himself. In spite of the fact that not by clear methods, rather by a continuous protection from food, Bartleby passes on. Oddly crouched at the ba se of the divider, his knees drawn up, and lying on his side, his head contacting the virus stones, I saw the squandered Bartleby. Be that as it may, not much. I stopped; at that point went up near him; tripped over, and saw that his diminish eyes were open; else he appeared to be significantly dozing 136. He, obviously, has kicked the bucket. .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a , .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a .postImageUrl , .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a , .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a:hover , .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a:visited , .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a:active { border:0!important; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a:active , .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-beautification: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u7660399afb2fb18f8 5477da63c9e686a .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u7660399afb2fb18f85477da63c9e686a:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Itchoua EssayThe storyteller of the story rises as contemplative and influenced. This change from driving, self-concerned manager is definitely not Bartlebys expectation, in any case, only a constructive outcome from an in any case deplorable reality. Ok, Bartleby! Ok, mankind! 137 summarizes the story adequately. Mankind had fizzled Bartleby; he was pushed into a world that appeared to seclude him every step of the way. Mankind spared the storyteller; he learned tha life, most importantly, and all the calm riddles 124 it contained were generally significant.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Comparative Study of John Carpenters The Thing and Howard Hawks The Thing from Another World essays
A Comparative Study of John Carpenters The Thing and Howard Hawks The Thing from Another World articles The chief John Carpenter entitled his 1982 revamp of Howard Hawks 1951 The Thing from Another World just The Thing. Craftsmen new, abbreviated title fundamentally wipes out the outsider root of the mutable beast that threatens the human characters of the film. This recommends what is so alarming about Carpenters Thing isn't that it is an outsider, yet that it is undefined and anonymous. Most thrillers power the watcher to stand up to some solid ghastliness, from a thing that goes knock in the night to a parasitic vampire. Birds of prey solid adaptation of repulsiveness compromises truth and the American lifestyle by endeavoring to penetrate human culture. Nonetheless, Carpenters increasingly unpretentious rendering of the socially destabilizing power of The Thing forces the watcher to stand up to a definitive ghastliness of all-in particular the amorphous and indistinct nature of their own personality. Birds of prey Thing, interestingly, is just a being that gives a focal point of co ntempt to humankind to join against and at last triumph. Basically, Carpenters animal abides unendingly in Lacans reflect phase of newborn child improvement, whereby the baby, in a quest for a steady self in a new world, mirrors different people. The flimsy personality of The Thing in Carpenters revamp destabilizes the protected feeling of self and truth of the real people who are being sought after by the animal. Trust is an extreme thing to drop by nowadays, says one of the still-human characters, the helicopter pilot MacReady, whose personality has not been subsumed by the Thing as the outsider takes upon the picture of each human individual it kills. Woodworkers film rapidly degenerates into a war between those having a regular feeling of personality, to be specific the rest of the people, and the Thing, which will win once it has executed and taken in the picture of each individual it has eve... <!
Thursday, July 30, 2020
9 Good Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
9 Good Questions to Ask in a Job Interview A job interview might sometimes feel like an interrogation but it is in no way intended to be like that. In fact, a good job interview is not just a QA session for the employer about your skills and qualifications. It is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and impress the interviewer with your inquisitive mind.At the end of the interview, the interviewer will often throw the ball in your court and ask you if you have any questions. It’s important that you don’t say ‘No’ but ask a few insightful questions that not only help you learn more but also tell the interviewer more about the reasons you’re right for the job.Indeed, asking questions in a job interview is important for three key reasons:It helps you learn more about the company and the role. This will help you decide whether the company culture and the role are right for you and your career path.It allows you to clarify your own strengths and weaknesses. When you are asking questions, you can use them as an op portunity to highlight your strengths for the role or indeed use the opportunity to understand what worries the employer might have in terms of hiring you.It makes it easier to show expertise and enthusiasm towards the role. Questions will look professional and they allow you to show how you’ve done your research â€" your thirst for knowing more is a positive sign for the employer that you actually care about the role.So, you know now that questions are expected and beneficial to ask in a job interview. What should you ask then? There are nine questions in this post that are worth considering when preparing for a job interview. Before we examine them, let’s briefly consider the reasons they are good.A good question â€" and something all the below nine questions are â€" has three characteristics: Your question should always be based on things you know. Good questions are not obvious or assuming â€" they are based on a certain level of information and are there to clarify or learn more.Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, you need to use the questions to showcase your own talent and to dig deeper into why you’re such a good pick. But you shouldn’t make your questions too easy or meaningless â€" you’ve been asked tough questions and it’s OK for you to do the same. You just have to be polite!So, let’s see what are the nine questions you should ask in a job interview.QUESTION #1: HAVE I ANSWERED YOUR QUESTIONS WELL OR WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO CLARIFY SOMETHING?It’s a good idea to give the interviewer the chance to ask for clarification. They might do this during the interview automatically but asking the question will be beneficial for you in two ways. First, it allows you to get an insight into how well the interview is going. If the interviewer lists a bunch of things for clarification, you know you have some work to do. You can focus on clearing up misunderstandings or pointing out the strengths in a more obvious way. It’s an opportunity to have a second chance at nailing those questions.But there is another benefit to the question. It also forces the interviewer to think and take note. The questions will make him or her think carefully how well the interview is going and what are those big issues he or she might have. Indeed, it might make him or her think how well you are actually doing and what a good candidate you seem to be for the role.QUESTION #2: DO YOU HAVE ANY HESITATIONS ABOUT MY QUALIFICATIONS?This is quite a gutsy question to ask but that’s what makes it a great question to ask in a job interview. It shows your willingness to discuss your strengths and, more importantly, your weaknesses openly.Now, it allows you another chance of seeing how well the interview is going. You get another chance at redeeming yourself and showing that y ou’re actually a good fit and the worries the interviewer has are just worries, not problems. You can use the opportunity to remove doubt â€" to show those gaps in your work history are not as dramatic because you used the time to study and grow as a leader, for example.QUESTION #3: WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE THE PERSON IN THIS POSITION TO ACHIEVE IN SIX MONTHS/A YEAR/FIVE-YEARS?You should also ask something about the position you are applying for. This is to help you understand more about the expectations of the role. Asking about the expectations will help you identify what kind of tasks are ahead of you and how you will be able to measure success. It will not just prepare you for the role but also helps you understand whether you find the job interesting and challenging. If it seems like there are no expectations, you might not feel like the company culture is supportive enough, for example.The question will also give you an opportunity to point out your fit for the role. For example, if the answer talks about the desire to improve their customer retention, you can mention your previous achievement in this and say how you look forward to using those skills in this role.Now, the question regarding the expectations will also tell the interviewer you are interested in succeeding in your role and in helping the business succeed. By showing your interest in understanding the expectations, you show willingness and enthusiasm to actually succeed in the role.QUESTION #4: WHAT DO YOU THINK IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE IN THIS POSITION?Of course, you shouldn’t just focus on the positive expectations and aspects of the job. No role will just be sunshine and rainbows. You will show a lot of professionalism and determination by asking about the challenges.Now, the question will give a more realistic picture of the role. It helps you see past the marketing speech and perhaps understand whether you are up for the challenge. This is, indeed, the second aspect of asking this quest ion. To help you identify how your strengths and skills would help you overcome those challenges and excel in this role.QUESTION #5: WHAT ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES TO EXCEL IN THE ROLE?This question is another good way of learning more about the company culture. The answer will help you understand what qualities and characteristics the company and the team value the most. For example, if it’s your ability to take initiative, then you know they want someone who isn’t afraid to take responsibility.It’s another question aimed at learning more about the role and the company. It helps you evaluate whether you would fit the organization and if you even want to â€" perhaps you start noticing an emphasis on doing it on your own and you are more interested in finding a team to work with.The question will also give you a chance to prove your worthiness. You can answer by pointing out how you’ve been focused on improving this aspect in your work life or point out to an achieveme nt that should help you excel in the role.QUESTION #6: DOES THE COMPANY OFFER FURTHER TRAINING AND CONTINUED ACCESS TO EDUCATION?This question is a clever way of seeing if your career path aligns with what the company has an offer. It’s also a great way of showing your professionalism and interest in developing your skills further â€" and helping the company succeed as a result.Firstly, the question does help you learn about your future in the role. If the company offers now training, then it probably isn’t a good choice for someone who is interested in moving fast on the career ladder. On the other hand, if the interviewer lists a range of opportunities, you can guarantee to have a more fulfilling and challenging future ahead.But as mentioned, you also showcase your interest in developing your skills. It makes you look more professional â€" to be interested in knowing how to gain new skills is always a sign of a hardworking individual.If you want, you can tie this question in w ith another one relating to the history of the position. It can be worth asking, “How has this role changed in the past?†to get a better idea of what it would mean for your career. Has the role evolved? If it’s constantly changing, it might not always be such a good thing. However, you also don’t want a company that is afraid to tweak and adapt.QUESTION #7: WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST IN WORKING FOR THE COMPANY?Your questions shouldn’t just be about the role. You can also learn about the company culture by asking the interviewer what he or she enjoys about the company. Their answer will reveal a lot about the company culture.It also helps you to create a more personal connection with the interviewer. It turns the situation into a less stressful and formal â€" helping you bond with the interviewer on a more personal level.Now, it’s important to remember here the interviewer might not actually work for the company. Sometimes companies use an external recruitment agency and the refore, the interviewer couldn’t really answer this. However, you could turn it around and ask, “What do you enjoy the most when collaborating with the company?â€QUESTION #8: HOW DOES THE POSITION HELP THE COMPANY MEET ITS OBJECTIVES?You can further your understanding of the role and the responsibilities by asking about the role’s importance to the company. This question will help you see how your role will influence the bigger vision of the organization.By asking about the company’s direction and your possible role in it, you highlight your willingness to work for the greater good. You show a level of teamwork â€" working to help the company do better, not just your team. It shows you’re not there just to pick a pay check but to achieve together with everyone.But you’ll also learn whether your career goals align with the company’s vision. Are you heading in the same direction?QUESTION #9: IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE ME TO DO AT THIS POINT?At the end of the in terview, you should also ask if you’re supposed to (or able to) do anything at this point of the process. This gives them the opportunity to ask for final clarifications or documents they want to see before making the decision.It can also help you understand the process â€" are you supposed to contact them or will they call you/email you and so on. You will be more on top of the next steps and the timeline in terms of finding whether you’ve been selected or not. It could even help you in writing a follow-up note.Asking this question is polite but it also shows enthusiasm. You are not just walking out of the door but you want to know what happens next. It reinforces to the interviewer that you are serious about the role, confident you did well and eager to get started.THINGS YOU MUST AVOIDQuestions are always great because they show initiative and enthusiasm. Whether you ask the exact above questions or not doesn’t necessarily matter. As long as you have things to ask and you†™ve done your homework, you will boost your chances by being inquiring. Don’t forget, you are often specifically given the opportunity to ask question â€" if you stay silent at this point, you won’t make a good impression.While all sorts of questions are better than no questions, you still need to remember a few things. There are questions that won’t look professional and this is often down to two reasons:You haven’t properly prepared for the interview and you are asking questions you should already know.You don’t adequately understand or respect the interview and application process.Now, questions in the first group are those that you could answer by examining the company website or reading the job interview. These are questions like “What does the company do?†or “What tasks am I supposed to perform in this role?†If you are genuinely unaware of the answers to these before your job interview, you have some work to do! It’s important to be aware of things like t he company culture, the main vision and history of the company, and the kind of job you are applying to.In terms of the second non-professional questions, you can’t start asking the interview things that assume you have the job in the bag. Things like “Can I take a vacation?†or “Can I change my work schedule?†are wholly inappropriate at this point. You still don’t have to job and even if you did, you don’t clear things like that on your first day.Finally, don’t ever end the interview by asking if you’ve gotten the job. They will let you know â€" waiting is hard but it is the name of the game. THE POWER OF THE QUESTIONQuestions during a job interview are not just something thrown your way. You should also be prepared to ask them â€" to learn more about the role and company, as well as to make your case for being selected.The above nine are good questions to ask in a job interview because they have the characteristics of a good question. They show preparedness, a realistic view of the situation, and a good opportunity to showcase job fit. If you want to make a lasting impression, learn more about the company, and present your strengths for the job better, you definitely want to consider popping these questions during your next job interview.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Effectiveness of Utilitarianism as a Modern Moral Theory
For men, there are two avenues to reason. Morality: the appeal to human emotions and a sense of intrinsic good, and logic: the appeal to human understanding of the world. While a number of moral theories exist, none of them is more well documented that Utilitarianism, which focuses on the maximization of total utility. I will discuss the theory initially, and then identify the major problems associated with it. I will conclude with a rationale as to how effective Utilitarianism is as a modern moral theory. Utilitarianism is quite a broad theory, with different constructs. However, the underlying agenda is the same: actions should be aimed such that the greatest good occurs for the greatest number. Theorist Jeremy Bentham can be attributed with the inception of the theory, while later developments were headed by J.S Mills. Utilitarianism takes a quantitative approach to life, and tells us that every action should seek to maximize happiness. John Stuart Mill in his book Utilitarianism, states, In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we recite the comprehensive spirit of the ethics of utility. To behave as do by others, and to love ones neighbour as oneself, establish the basic rightness of utilitarian morality. The value of an action is only judged by its consequences. In many ways, Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism. Bentham describes Utilitarianism in its simplest form, â€Å"it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right andShow MoreRelat edControversy Between the Existence of God Essay example1451 Words  | 6 Pagesbetween the moral beliefs of secular humanists and the beliefs under study. When one says that the non-existence of God leads to the fact that everything is permitted, one implies that there is a crucial link between the existence of God and morality. In other word, it may be summarized that the statement under study suggests viewing God as the source of morality. 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CHAPTER FOCUS Virtue or Character Ethics Principle-Based Ethics: Developing Moral Rules Utilitarian Theories: Doing the Most Good for the Most People Deontological Theories: Balancing Rights and Obligations Justice in Health Care Values and Health Policy Ethics of Care Ethical Problems Faced by Community Nurses: The Research Ethical Decision Making Service Learning:Read MoreGlobal Marketing Leadership2244 Words  | 9 Pagesfor leaders to consider when creating marketing materials globally? Culturally we are different and should be respected however; cultural differences should be celebrated and adaptive as well if we are going to market businesses globally with effectiveness. Cultural sensitivity is needed but should not be the primary factor to marketing effectively. Cultures divide and create an ethical dilemma when marketing globally. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Flannery O’Connor’s “A Good Man is Hard to Find†Free Essays
They say that God’s way are inscrutable, and this saying characterizes the concept of Flannery O’Connor’s story A Good Man is Hard to Find . The theme of living an empty life and the possibility of revelation for everybody is the main idea of the author. Through telling a simple, sometimes even comical story about common people, their stereotypes and narrow-mindedness she discloses the lack of spirituality in human life. We will write a custom essay sample on Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†or any similar topic only for you Order Now This makes up the theme, which the author intended to raise. Speaking about the setting, it is important to mention that it by genre it can be referred to the so-called road story, which presupposes travel from one place to another – on the special level. But there is always a hidden message behind, which constitutes the figurative level of the narration. We know perfectly that a road is a popular metaphor of life and naturally a person who is moving along this road undergoes a kind of mental and spiritual change. The same is true about Flannery O’Connor’s piece of writing. The journey is from Georgia to Florida with a background of beautiful scenery: â€Å"Stone Mountain; the blue granite that in some places came up to both sides of the highway; the brilliant red clay banks slightly streaked with purple; and the various crops that made rows of green lace-work on the ground. The trees were full of silver-white sunlight and the meanest of them sparkled†.  A family of the Grandmother, her son Bailey with his wife and children make a trip by car a picturesque nature, paying no attention at it at all. The only person who is interested is the elderly lady but for some specific reasons – nostalgia about â€Å"the things as they used to be†and because travel can be educational for kids. Is it the road to heaven or to hell? I will try to answer this question further on. The plot, which forms the external texture of the story seems to be a case of fatal misfortune. The family goes travelling, get into a road accident in a remote area and are caught by a band of serial killer the Misfit who kills the whole family. Therefore, the external movement is from life to death. Internally, however, the direction is the opposite one, from death to life. This implication is embodied first of all in the character of the Grandmother, who has no name in the story. This fact of namelessness proves her to be a typical product of the contemporary society, deprived of any significant individuality. She is selfish, manipulative and full of herself as we meet her first. She is devoted to the past believing that â€Å"People are certainly not nice like they used to be†, the phrase which is not only her life credo but also reflects her attitude to herself. She considers herself to be good and right and does not notice that her values are false. Meeting with the Misfit, feeling herself at the brink of death causes dramatic change within the old woman. There is an irony in the fat that revelation to her is brought in such an unconventional way – through a religious talk with serial killer. But at the same time this is done by the author deliberately to signify some higher wisdom. The Misfit is a peculiar character, his name symbolizing all people’s loneliness and loss and emptiness. They don’t belong to the world God created for them, they mis-fit. And the problem is not like the Grandmother considered that people are not as nice as they used to be. The world we live in is our own reflection. As a matter of fact, the killer and the decent elderly woman who dresses up neatly because she wants to look like a lady in case of being killed in an accident, are not so far away from each other as they might seem to be. They were both brought up in the atmosphere devoid of spirituality and both of them have no God in their soul. The difference is that the Misfit recognizes the fact but the Grandmother doesn’t. She hides herself behind the conventional stereotypes of religion, which lies in habitual going to the church, praying on a regular basis, stealing nothing from the respectable citizens and so on. In a tough situation she first tries to appeal to the religious feelings of the killer but she fails because she is herself being superficial in her faith. That’s why when she tries to pray to Jesus, asking for help, her words come out differently: â€Å"Finally she found herself saying, â€Å"Jesus. Jesus,†meaning, Jesus will help you, but the way she was saying it, it sounded as if she might be cursing†. At this point she realizes that her faith was fake and at this very moment a new opportunity is given to her. Surprisingly, it is the Misfit who opened her eyes and her soul. He himself recognizes he doesn’t believe in God, the only thing which is definite is death. That’s why he thinks that Jesus broke balance when he raised the death. There would have been nothing certain left in the world, even death, if it were true. The misfit expresses an idea, which is very important: without spirituality one might as well â€Å"enjoy the few minutes you got left the best way you can  by killing somebody or burning down his house or doing some other meanness to him.†He means that if you are not willing to accept God’s love, the sin remains the same whether you are doing it small crimes or in big ones. The lives of the Misfit and the Grandmother were equally empty because they rejected salvation, which is possible through love. These seconds are so vitally important and enlightening for the woman that her soul gets completely transformed. She is suddenly filled with that divine love. Looking at the criminal who has killed her family and is going to kill herself, she exclaims: â€Å"†Why, you’re one of my babies!†She realizes that her son and her grandchildren are so empty because she didn’t give them the love she had to, that’s why she realizes that the Misfit is her child in this sense. At the end, when the Misfit kills the old lady, he makes an interesting conclusion, which reveals the idea of the whole story: â€Å"She would of been a good woman,†The Misfit said, â€Å"if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life.†The sentence raises an important issue: is it necessary for a person to be on the brink of life and death to realize what was wrong in his or her life? Do the true values reveal themselves from delusions only when you are about to die? Aren’t we too much involved in day-by-day repetition of events to stop and see the truth? Probably we are just too afraid to be nobody, to feel the emptiness? These important questions arise after reading the story. So, is it the road to heaven or to hell? Who knows. Many people believe that a person who has no moral laws inside is free in what he does and feels no remorse about he deeds. At the example of the Misfit we see that the truth is more complex than that. Probably he doesn’t feel remorse, as he has no faith and no God to lean on but the problem is he feels nothing at all. His crimes were intended to be a kind of rebellion against God whom he never had in his life but it is a bitter rebellion. At the end of the story we find out that he feels no fun and no pride challenging God. â€Å"There is no real pleasure in life,†he says. How to cite Flannery O’Connor’s â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Nanny Murder Case Essays - Louise Woodward Case, Woodward
The Nanny Murder Case Massachusetts v. Woodward Louise Woodward, a British Nanny, was hired in November of 1996 by Sunil and Deborah Eappen, for their sons, Matthew and Brendan. On February 4, 1997, the Massachusetts police received a phone call from Woodward stating that Matthew Eappen was having trouble breathing. When the paramedics examined Matthew, they said he had a 2-? inch skull fracture. His eyes were bulging, which is a sign of the ?shaken baby syndrome.? Before Matthew Eappens death, he spent four days on life support. After the event, Woodward was jailed without bond. Supporters from Massachusetts and Britain argued that she should not have to stay in jail on grounds that she is a foreigner and did not understand the U.S. legal system. She was kept in a states women's prison and had to stay because prosecutors felt that she might flee the country if she was freed on bail. Prosecutors said that Woodward admitted to harming Matthew. They said she shook him, dropped him on the floor, and then tossed him on the bed in order to quiet the baby. Prosecutors argued that Woodward was so frustrated with Matthews uncontrollable crying, that she began to violently shake him to stop the crying. Medical examiners said that Matthew must have hit the floor with the ?force equivalent to a fall from a second-story window.? Naturally the injuries from the fall along with the shaking caused Matthews death. Forensic expert, Barry Scheck, who took part in the O.J. Simpson trial, was recruited to help Woodward's defensive argument. The defense stated that a pre-existing medical condition might have killed Matthew, not the supposed mistreatment. The defense attempted to find genetic disorders that could have affected his bone strength and development or could have caused brain hemorrhages, by requesting DNA tests on Matthew. The defense also tried to put the blame on Matthews's two-year-old brother, Brendan, for the injuries, since he was the only other family member home that night. Prosecutors immediately argued that a boy of such a young age isn't capable of inflicting that serious of physical trauma on an infant. Louise Woodward was sentenced to death. After many appeals, and different attorneys, her defense argued that during the original trial, the defense was unable to have full access to the medical evidence that the state collected. Woodward was eventually acquitted and returned home to Britain. My personal opinion of the trial and the outcome is negative. I find that Louise Woodward not being imprisoned for her crime is ridiculous. It is obvious that she is responsible for Matthew Eappens death and Woodward's acquittal is absurd. If she can get away with such a horrible crime and be free to walk the streets, then I am sure there are people accused of equally severe crimes who have also been acquitted. Bibliography www.courttv.com Social Issues
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