Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Come Back to the Raft Ag´in, Ed Gentry, by Betina Entzminger

In his essay, â€Å"Come Back to the Raft Ag’in, Ed Gentry,† Betina Entzminger argues that at the heart of James Dickey’s Deliverance lies the search for a lost masculinity in today’s world, told through the lens of the protagonist’s canoe trip. He asserts that Ed understands the societal pressures upon each gender, forces that compel us towards the stereotypes that pervade our culture. Further, Entzminger believes, â€Å"Despite the fact that Ed sees these constructions as constructions, he is unable to rise above them† (Entzminger). Ultimately, Entzminger posits, â€Å"Ed dutifully destroys that which challenges his own and his community’s conceptions of gender and sexuality, and he finds comfort in his return to his community at the novel’s close†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦More probable, Dickey meant to impose Ed’s need for masculinity within his own life, his appreciation of a man whom you could, â€Å"eve n see the veins in his gut† (Dickey 103), is simply Ed’s internal longing for manhood rather than a repressed homoerotic fantasy. Ed’s appreciation of Lewis’ toned physique represents to him what has been lost, an inner purity that he hoped to find on the canoe trip. Another major display of a shift in gender roles is the infamous anal rape scene. Ed and Bobby, who is the most effeminate of the group, are taken captive by two (likely) inbred woodland men. These men, pariahs to society, become embodiments of the defilement of nature experienced earlier in the novel, the trash in the river and the poultry processing plant. To Dickey, Man’s encroachment upon nature has not only led to the industrialization that plows fields and fells forests, or littered the wild with our excess and excrement, it has made humanity unable to reunite itself with nature. Once man has defiled a region with our technology and our influence, we may never go back â€Å"Dicke ys novel suggests that there is no free territory†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Entzminger). These mountain men have ostracized themselves from society, searching for a way to shake off the shackles of cultural expectation. However, in their attempt to become one with nature they have simply perverted it. The mountain men rape Bobby while Ed sits, idly waiting for his turn. Entzminger posits that the mountain men,

Monday, December 16, 2019

Chinese vs American Culture Free Essays

Sarah Gonzalez Chinese Culture VS American Culture It doesn’t matter what kind of ethnicity you are, or how you were brought up. Everyone is deeply rooted in their own culture. â€Å"Culture† has a different meaning to everyone. We will write a custom essay sample on Chinese vs American Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now Comparing American culture to Chinese culture we will find many different meanings to the word â€Å"culture†. For example, we Americans are always looking for something bigger and better for our future, and the Chinese are content with a small reserved lifestyle with no intentions of changing it for something bigger. A culture is a way of life of a group of people-the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next. Growing up in America we are taught to never settle for less, that we can do anything that we set our minds too, and when we grow up we can be anyone we want to be. After all we are the â€Å"home of the brave and the land of the free†, right? The Chinese are more set on if you are a girl you are too be the homemaker, and the men are too make the money doing physical labor. The story â€Å"I Answer to Elaine† concluded it all perfectly to me. â€Å"She continued to sign Father’s name. I threatened legal action: â€Å"That’s forgery! It’s not your name†. [Example from I Answer to Elaine] This shows that the Chinese believe that the men are dominate, head of the household, the only say so. In the American home mom and dad have a shared liability for the children and both set of parents go out into the work force. â€Å"A deep frustration set in. I was sickened by her statement’s implication for my future. I hated helplessness, believing it unique to her alone† [Example from I Answer to Elaine]. I feel like Elaine is frustrated with her mom because she knows because of her gender her mom doesn’t expect mush out of her other than to be a care giver. This has to be confusing to Elaine when she sees all over her American friends dreaming about their big futures and what they will do. Elaine should be able to grow bigger than just a housewife. Believe it or not, but American and Chinese culture do have something’s in common. They see eye-to-eye on some aspects. Like providing for their children â€Å"Parents work together for the well-being of their children† [Example from Article]. It is true that parents do the best they can to work towards a better financial life for their kids. That’s why many Chinese parents come over to the states, so that they can provide a better life, and a better education. They would also go to great lengths for their children no matter what the cause â€Å"Parents will risk their life for their children† [Example from Article]. Any parent would risk their life for their children no matter what ethnicity, or cultural aspect! There is no bond like a parent and their child. Chinese and American culture has a lot more differences than similarities. To the Chinese reputation of the individual is very important. If an action will humiliate someone or ruin a reputation, it is avoided. When shame occurs, the person sacrifices their job or whatever it is that will heal the shame. In America, reputations come and go overnight and in the end usually does not matter. â€Å"Go to an American home in exurbia, and almost the first thing you do is drift towards the picture window† [Example from American space, Chinese Place]. It is true that we American’s always want something more than what we have in front of us. We are always looking forward to the big picture of our future. â€Å"Consider the traditional Chinese home. Blank walls enclose it† [Example from American Space, Chinese Place]. The Chinese are very content with what they have, and have no intensions of a â€Å"bigger picture†. They keep what they have close to them. All in all, I think we can see the difference and the similarities between the two cultures. The Chinese are set on their morals. One is to respect all others, the men is the runner of the household, and keep your opinion to yourself. Americans don’t always follow the rules. When we don’t agree with something we are going to speak out about it, and give them out opinion. In the households sometimes there is a man of the house, and sometimes it’s a single mother running the house. I think the Chinese have a better wrap around the meaning of â€Å"culture† they stick to what they believe, and it stays that way for years. Rather than American’s missing the meaning of â€Å"culture† and worrying about what the future has to hold for them. How to cite Chinese vs American Culture, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Whats In a Name Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man free essay sample

This paper discusses the identity of the African American and the way in which all individuals should be accepted as they are, with reference to the Invisible Man, author Ralph Ellison, August Wilsons play Fences, Corregidora by Gayl Jones and The following paper attempts to show how the identity of man is accepted or not, by the society within which he lives. The author makes reference to several novels and plays in order to show the challenge involved in communicating across our barriers of race and religion, class, color and region. He cites August Wilson?s play Fences where he expores three generations of African-American men and the generational changes of each man from the Reconstruction Era to the late 1950s. In the other works examined he discusses the acceptance of individuals within a society, family identity and black masculinity. From the paper: ?Go Tell It to the Mountain is Baldwin?s examination into his own family, one that?s more introspective, bound nonetheless by personal experiences. We will write a custom essay sample on Whats In a Name: Ralph Ellisons Invisible Man or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the novel Florence shares some of Ursa?s perception of love and men. Florence is unable to love because she?s jealous of her brother Gabriel, whom their mother devoted her attention upon; the affect of her friend?s Deborah?s rape; and Gabriel?s apparent life of debauchery. She believes all men are distrustful, driven by lust, desiring control of their women. Surprisingly, Deborah married a man to secure the material comforts she never had in life; in fact, she?s become rather obsessive about materialism, preferring it to the humanism that she has discarded from herself. Her hostility toward men, particularly Gabriel, has sterilized her own happiness. The theme of sterility threatens family foundations, especially with Gabriel.?

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Water Pollution Essay Thesis Example For Students

Water Pollution Essay Thesis Water pollution has affected many people and animals. Water pollution is the disposal ofgarbage into a water stream. Some of the water pollution is from littering, some water pollutionis done by chemical leaks, and others by ships. Also, There is much information about waterpollution. I am going to take that education on water pollution a step farther; and explain howwater pollution affects us, how it affects marine life, what companies affect it the most, and whatThere are many causes for water pollution. The main one is plastics. The reason for thatis that plastics take four hundred and fifty years to decompose in the water. Also manycompanies use plastic and people throw it in the waterways. Because water can float and becarried by the wind, it can cause harm to unsuspecting creatures hundreds of feet from where itwas originally dumped. Such waste includes bags, bottles, cups, straws, cup lids, utensils, sixpack holders, cling wrap, fishing line, bait bags, and floats. We will write a custom essay on Water Pollution Thesis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The second highest cause of water pollution is ship waste. Ships used to take muchgarbage with them on their ships and dump them. This was very common until the governmenttook action. They were giving sailors up to one million dollars fines for disposing waste. Because of that, ships now carry less garbage with them. Animals are not the only thing being harmed by water wastes. Fishing lines, rope, andplastic nets are being caught in the rutter and the engine, but the ships are not exactly perfect. The other main cause of water pollution is industrial waste. Industries do not be harmedby water pollution but the cause much it. Many companies pour chemicals into the waterways. Some of the businesses that contribute to the water pollution are businesses that repair andmaintain motor vehicles, electroplate, operate printing and coping equipment, perform drycleaning and laundry services, process photographs, operate labs, involve building and constructroads, provide pest control, preserve wood, and make furniture. Water pollution doesn’t just effect humans, it affects are whole ecosystem. Birds andmarine life are affected by it. More than fifty species of birds are known to ingest plastic. Whenthey eat plastic, they feel full, so some of them die of starvation. Algal blooms are another thingthat kills marine life. Algal blooms are sea scum, whale food, and sea sawdust. Algal bloomsare bundles of fine threads, rusty brown, they have a fishy smell, and are common inWater is our main source of our life. We need it to live, drink, bathe, recreation,manufacturing, and power. We need water for almost everything; if we dont start cleaning upwe will be in big trouble. Bunches of families dispose of chemicals everyday. It affects usdrastically and we depend on it to be clean. Right now the government is fining people for illegal dumping. But that is all thePeople in cities are organizing water pollution groups. A lot of people are producingfliers and giving them out. The are asking people to adapt a waterway. In Australia they had anational clean up day and went out to the ocean and cleaned it up. I think the people are takingthis more seriously than the government. We need to start cleaning up the water or we will be in big trouble. The governmentneeds to get active and so does the public. In some places water pollution is a main concern. The last defense of water pollution iswater treatment. Their are two main reasons for water treatment. The first one is to protect thepublics health. The second one is to protect the water quality. Most of the waste water comesfrom industries, homes, businesses, storm runoff, ground water, and schools. Also sludge isbeing treated to remove some of its water. Then it is further processed by stabilizing,If more effort isnt being made the human race will die. Eventually all the water will beinfested and unable to drink out of. We will have no places to bathe or anything. We will haveto do something soon or else we will not make it. .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec , .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .postImageUrl , .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec , .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec:hover , .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec:visited , .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec:active { border:0!important; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec:active , .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6a4f39c5122549b3c25d7afabd3137ec:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Is Counselling An Art Or Science EssayBibliography:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

American Dream Great Gatsby Essay essays

American Dream Great Gatsby Essay essays The American Dream was the philosophy that brought people to America and to start a new life in a strange, foreign land. Due to this dream, it was believed that America was the land of opportunity, wealth, and prosperity. The dream consists of three components: all men are equal, man can trust and should help his fellow man, and the good, virtuous and hard working are rewarded. F. Scott Fitzgeralds novel The Great Gatsby is a condemnation of American Society and focuses on its downfall. This holds true for three of the main characters in the novel, Jay Gatsby, Tom Buchanan, and Daisy Buchanan. To reach his ideal dream of spending his life with Daisy, Jay Gatsby attains his millions in a corrupt way which help him to replace emotions, and tries to cover it up with lies throughout the novel. In order to become rich, Gatsby engaged in illegal occupations such as bootlegging and being involved in the Mafia. He and this Wolfsheim bought and sold grain alcohol over the counter. (Fitzgerald 134). This is the opposite idea of the American Dream, which states that only the good, virtuous and hard working are rewarded. Gatsby also lies his way through life to conceal his wrongdoing. Gatsby claims that he belongs to a rich family whom provides his way to Oxford and from whom he inherits his riches. I am the son of some wealthy people in the Middle West-all dead now. (Fitzgerald 65). Only later on in the novel, does Nick uncover the truth that his parents were shiftless and unsuccessful farm people... (Fitzgerald 99). Gatsby also relies on money to bring him the comfort of family. G atsbys musicians sing, The rich get richer and the poor get-children. (Fitzgerald 96). He attempts to reclaim the loss of family that he experiences through his wealth. Nick describes a story about how Gatsby, agreed to pay five years taxes on all the neighbor ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Story of the Greek Titan Atlas

The Story of the Greek Titan Atlas The expression to carry the weight of the world on ones shoulders comes from the Greek myth of Atlas, who was one of the second generation of the Titans, the oldest gods of Greek mythology. However, Atlas did not actually carry the weight of the world; instead, he carried the celestial sphere (the sky). The Earth and celestial sphere are both spherical in shape, which may account for the confusion. Atlas in Greek Mythology Atlas was one of four sons of the Titan Iapoetos and the Okeanid Klymene: his brothers were Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Menoitios. The earliest of the traditions say simply that it was Atlass responsibility to hold up the sky. Later reports say that as one of the Titans, Atlas and his brother Menoitios took part in the Titanomachy, a war between the Titans and their offspring the Olympians. Fighting against the Titans were Olympians Zeus, Prometheus, and Hades. When the Olympians won the war, they punished their enemies. Menoitios was sent to Tartarus in the underworld. Atlas, however, was condemned to stand at the western edge of the Earth and hold the sky on his shoulders. Holding Up the Sky Different sources vary in their descriptions of how Atlas held up the sky. In Hesiods Theogony, Atlas stands at the western edge of the earth near the Hesperides, supporting the sky on his head and hands. The Odyssey describes Atlas standing in the sea holding the pillars that keep the earth and sky apart- in this version, he is the father of Calypso. Herodotus was the first to suggest that the sky rested atop Mount Atlas in the western part of northern Africa, and later traditions still report that Atlas was a man who metamorphosed into the mountain. The Story of Atlas and Hercules Perhaps the most famous myth involving Atlas is his role in one of the celebrated twelve labors of Hercules, and the main version is found in Apollodorus of Athenss Library. In this legend, Hercules was required by Eurystheus to fetch the golden apples from the fabled gardens of the Hesperides, which were sacred to  Hera  and guarded by the fearsome hundred-headed dragon Ladon. Following the advice of Prometheus, Hercules asked Atlas (in some versions the father of the Hesperides) to get him the apples while he, with the help of  Athena, took the sky onto his own shoulders for a while, giving the Titan a welcome respite. Perhaps understandably, when returning with the golden apples, Atlas was reluctant to resume the burden of carrying the sky. However, the wily Hercules tricked the god into swapping places temporarily while the hero got himself some cushions to more easily bear the tremendous weight. Of course, as soon as Atlas was back holding the heavens, Hercules with his golden booty, hot-footed back to  Mycenae. Sources Hard, Robin. The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology. London: Routledge, 2003. Print.Smith, William, and G.E. Marindon, eds. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. London: John Murray, 1904. Print.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research Proposal as it relates to Disney fairytales & Theory Essay

Research Proposal as it relates to Disney fairytales & Theory - Essay Example The gaps in literature section, looks at the places of concern where the previous literature have not focused that then makes the study significant. The methodology section discusses the proposed research design, explaining the reason why it was chosen. This section also evaluates the data collection methods that will be used in the proposed research; advantages and disadvantages of the chosen method are given. Additionally, it also covers the data analysis method that will be used to analyze the data collected. The society in general has been debating about the course that the institution of marriage is taking. Conservative groups hold the opinion that such a move affects the future generations and the society. Same-sex marriage has been of debate in most parliaments and media platforms. To be specific, gay marriage has taken the center stage when it comes to the debates. There has been a tussle between those for homosexuality and those against it. However, the recent Disney fairytales reflect too much of gay characters that has raised concerns for both the public, that comprises the parents mostly, and the Christian conservative groups. The recent announcement by Disney brought in mixed reactions. The company best known for its fairytales announced that the film will involve two overt gay characters who will fall in love and at the end of the story find happiness through same sex marriage. The film: Princes, that is bound to be released in 2015 raises concerns especially in the cultural d imension of the society. This is not the first film of the kind since the entertainment monster has been supporting all initiatives related to Lesbians, Gay, and Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) programs, through its productions. Research conducted has shown that previous productions of Disney have had a place for gay acts, though in a subtle manner ("Disney Announces, ‘Princes’, First Film with Openly Gay

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Catfish Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Catfish Reflection Paper - Essay Example But this backfired to Angela also, when she (Meg) became careless with her facts especially with that song she claimed to have written for Yaniv was found out to be in Youtube. This triggered an investigation on the part of Yaniv’s company which they found out that Angela was not exactly truthful. Angela on the other continued her story without a cue (due to the absense of non-verbal cues) that Yaniv is already â€Å"giving her a ride† after finding it out that she is a fake. 2. How did the relationship between the two people making the film, Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost, and the brother of Ariel, Yaniv Schulman (the film was focused Yaniv) affect the actual design/filming of the documentary (group outcome)? The relationship between the two people making the film, Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost, and the brother of Ariel, Yaniv Schulman actually made the documentary and filming of the film more interesting. It add spice to the film and made the film to have a â€Å"raw† design because of the candidness of the interaction of the people in the film. In the opening of the documentary, it actually shot Yaniv at close up range while Yaniv showing discomfort because the film was â€Å"too close† that it was already dictating his personal life. This discomfort and sometimes protestation of Yaniv actually brought flavor to the documentary. This was very evident and even made the film very realistic when Yaniv complain that his brother Ariel and friend Henry Joost talked him into documenting his relationship with Abby and her family (particularly Meg) and then bully him. Ariel retorted that he was actually just directing. 3. Did the relationships (group dynamic) change when the virtual relationshp became actual? Or were the others (Angela Wesselman-Pierce and her family) always members of the documentary project/group in

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Psychological Reactions Caused by Relaxation and Arousal Essay Example for Free

The Psychological Reactions Caused by Relaxation and Arousal Essay This study’s main reason is to explore the psychological reactions by the idea of relaxation and arousal. A total of thirty eight students t part in this experiment. This study followed a within subject design in witch the independent variables were the music, witch was playing in the start, the touch stimuli and the music, witch was playing in the end of the experiment. However the dependent variables were the galvanic skin response (GSR), the heart rate and the respiratory rate. The psychological reactions were measured by the biopac student lab package. Â  Participants A total of thirty eight students participated in this experiment. The experimenter used opportunity sampling and the subject were first year psychology undergraduate students from the University of Bradford. The participants were asked if they want to participate and their selection was based on their health. Design This experiment followed a within subject design. This study was having two types of variables. The heart rate, the galvanic skin response (GSR) and the respiratory rate were the dependent variables. However the independent variables were the touch stimuli and the music that was played when the experiment was start and the music was played after the touch stimuli. Materials The biopac student lab package was used to measure the heart rate, the galvanic skin response (GSR) and the respiratory rate. Both participants heard the same music played from a cassette player. In both groups the experimenter measured the baseline after putting the cables of biopac on participants fingers to measure all the above. In this study has already been used two questioners. The first one was verbal and was asking general questions about the participants health and their consent to continue this experiment. The second one was a multiple choice questionnaire with also some short answer questions. It was asking the participants to describe their emotions during the experiment. The purpose of the firs questioner was to check if the participants were able to take part in this experiment. The second was testing if the participants feelings was linked with the results that were collected ,from the biopac student lab, after the experiment. Procedure In this study eight groups took part. The participant were having a seat in a computer desk in front of the screen witch was showing the measurements in the biopac system. They also were attached to the machines. The experimenter was put some Vaseline in the parts of the GSR and heart rate electrodes that was connected to the finger tips. The GSR electrodes was connected to a finger tip and the heart rate electrodes to the opposite one and the respiratory rate band was placed around the upper chest area. The participants were asked to complete a verbal questionnaire about their health and also asked if they want to participate in this experiment. This questionnaire was given before the experiment started. When the experiment started and the participants were connected to the machines they were asked from the experimenter if they feel comfortable. Also the experimenter gave some basic instructions and a brief description of the experiment. In the lab were two participants witch was seating in front of two screens. Were also two experimenters, one for each participant and some observers two of which were giving the touch stimuli. A peace of classical music was the start of this experiment. This music was playing for two minutes. When the song stop playing the experimenter asked from two people of whom were observing to touch the subjects by going behind the participants and placing their hands in participants shoulders and moving them to their hands. Through this way they were giving the touch stimuli. After that the second peace of music start playing for two more minute

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Biographical References in and Hemingways Male Characters Essay

Throughout the Nick Adams and other stories featuring dominant male figures, Ernest Hemingway teases the reader by drawing biographical parallels to his own life. That is, he uses characters such as Nick Adams throughout many of his literary works in order to play off of his own strengths as well as weaknesses: Nick, like Hemingway, is perceptive and bright but also insecure. Nick Adams as well as other significant male characters, such as Frederick Henry in A Farewell to Arms and Jake Barnes in The Sun Also Rises personifies Hemingway in a sequential manner. Initially, the Hemingway character appears to be impressionable, but he evolves into an isolated individual. Hemingway, due to an unusual childhood and possible post traumatic injuries received from battle invariably caused a necessary evolution in his writing shown through his characterization. The author once said, â€Å"Don’t look at me. Look at my words† (154). Hemingway constantly draws parallels to his life with his characters and stories. One blatant connection is with the short story, â€Å"Indian Camp,† in which an Indian baby is born and its father dies. As Nick is Hemingway’s central persona, the story revolves around his journey across a lake to an Indian village. In this story, Nick is a teenager watching his father practice as a doctor in an Indian village near their summer home. In one particularly important moment, Hemingway portrays the father as cool and collected, which is a strong contrast to the Native American â€Å"squaw’s† husband, who commits suicide during his wife’s difficult caesarian pregnancy. In the story, which reveals Hemingway’s fascination with suicide, Nick asks his father, â€Å"Why did he kill himself, daddy?† Nick’s father responds â€Å"I don’t kno... ...York: Cambridge UP, 1996. 21-51 Berman, Ron. "Hemingway's Michigan Landscapes." The Hemingway Review 27.1 (2007): 39-44. Hemingway, Ernest. A Farewell to Arms. New York, Scribner: 1929 In Our Time. â€Å"Indian Camp.† New York, Scribner: 1925 Meyers, Jeffrey. Hemingway. New York: Da Capo, 1999. Reynolds, Michael. The Young Hemingway. Chicago: Norton Pub, 1937. Stewart, Matthew C. "Ernest Hemingway and World War I: Combatting Recent Psychobiographical Reassessments, Restoring the War." Papers on Language & Literature 36.2 (2000): 198-221. Tyler, Lisa. "Dangerous Families and "Intimate Harm" in Hemingways "Indian Camp"" Texas Studies in Literature and Language 48.1 (2006): 37-53. Waldhorn, Arthur. Ernest Hemingway: A Collection of Criticism (Contemporary Studies in Literature). Chicago: Syracuse University Press, 1978.

Monday, November 11, 2019

First Essay

Also my thin frame evokes prejudice and leads others to underestimate my abilities; they assume that am weak. Lastly, people have different first impressions of me based on my tattoo and the way dress. These physical traits provoke both positive and negative criticism. Ultimately, people do not judge me based on my behavior and personality, but rather based on the way I present my body and my physical appearance. People who are tall are usually feared and appear as a threat. My physical eater such as being tall causes people to judge me. Being tall is usually associated with being looked at as powerful and intimidating.For example, I can relate to this through my experience when walking by people in the middle of the night; others tend to keep their distance from me, avoid eye contact and sometimes even cross the street to avoid any interaction. Due to my tall stature, I look less vulnerable and avoid less conflict compared to someone who is shorter than me. Also, due to my height, p eople automatically assume that I'm athletic or that I'm good at sports because Of y height advantage. For instance, during high school, teachers and peers attempted to recruit me to numerous sports teams such as basketball, volleyball and ultimate Frisbee.Their effort in trying to include me within various groups made me feel wanted and this helped boost my self-esteem. Without my height, these coaches and peers would not have seen â€Å"potential† and would not have considered me in the first place. Finally my tallness provides the people accompany -? such as friends and family -? a sense of security. When one of my friends got into a heated argument with someone, he person was right up on my friends face and started to push him back but when I intervened to help my friend, the person started to back off.My presence gave the person arguing with my friend less confidence to continue. This also helped my friend to feel safe and protected around me. Overall, my height has an i mpact on people's perspective of me and has led me to be judged for better or for worse. Those who are skinny are usually stereotyped and judge, some are even picked on because they appear so vulnerable and weak. For instance, since I m thin, people tend to think that I do not workout therefore thinking I am weak, and when I go to the gym, people always assume that it is my first time there.Others feel obligated to try to teach me proper form and recommend a variety of workouts to do. They seem surprised when tell them that I have a workout schedule and that I've been going to the gym to work out for almost three years now. Just because I am skinny, people think they know more than me when it comes to working out, but this is not necessarily true, since I've been working out for a long time to know how to work out properly. Also, when playing basketball, my thin frame gives my opponents the impression that do not look like a challenge.Every time I play basketball, teams always send their weakest defender on me thinking that I am weak and not good enough to score on him. Thanks to my skinny figure teams always underestimate me by giving their weakest defender the task of guarding me. This advantage has helped me to achieve titles such as leading scorer and MAP for the various teams I have joined. In general, my lean physique leads to people looking down on me and underestimating my skill. The way in which people treat me and approach me is based on the way I present myself. The way I dress determines how others approach me or do not approach me at all.For example, when I am on the bus and am wearing loose clothing, I see that not as much people want to sit beside me compared to when I am wearing a more professional attire. On a bus ride to school, I was wearing my hooded sweater and jogging pants and for the whole ride no one dared to take the open seat beside me. The way dress gave me an unapproachable atmosphere to my fellow commuters. In comparison, when I m wearing a dress shirt and dress pants I noticed that more people sat beside me on the bus and some even attempted to have conversations with me.This outfit makes me look much more professional and approachable. Kisses, my tattoo also has an impact on how people see me. People seem to think that having a tattoo automatically makes you a bad person. This one time when entered a barber shop I overheard a mother and her son having a conversation about my tattoo. The boy asked her mom if she would let him get a tattoo like mines and his mom replied by telling him that only people ho do not care and respect for their bodies get tattoo's.My tattoo makes me seem like I do not care about myself. Similarly, my tattoo makes it difficult for others to trust me because they have the pre-conceived idea that people with tattoos are trouble makers. Whenever I enter a small store such as a convenience store, I have noticed how the store owner treats me. The store owner always leaves his/her positio n at the cash register and walks to the same aisle as me and pretends to be stocking the shelves when in fact I know hat he/she is actually watching me because they think might be stealing. people with tattoos are generally viewed as rebels, troublemakers, and results into people thinking that we are always up to no good. Hence, the way in which I present my body leads to varied first impressions. In conclusion, my height, body shape and the manner by which I present myself leads people to prejudge me based of my appearance rather than my personality, behavior and other factors. My tallness has lead people to believe that I am powerful, athletic and intimidating. Similarly, my thin build fives people the impression that I am vulnerable and led people to belittle my capabilities.Also, my decision to dress myself a certain way and my tattoo can cause people to make assumptions on my personality whether it is good or bad. Prejudice is still a relevant issue because it limits an individ ual's potential. If we are born small, society restricts that person's mindset to be an athlete because in society we bias the fact that only tall people can excel to be good a sports. Therefore, our society has taught us to live life according to the stereotypes based on our appearance.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Compare and contrast the roles of the teacher and teaching assistan

1. 1-Compare and contrast the roles of the teacher and teaching assistant in assessment of learners achievements. Both the teachers and the teaching assistant main role is to monitor and assess pupils achievemnets in the class, but the main teacher has overall responsibility for recording and making the decisions that may be needed for example moving a child into a different group to match their ability levels. The teacher needs to be aware of the progression made by all the children in their class and be able to report back to parents and other members of staff.As a teaching assitant my main role is to support the class teacher whilst the ongoing assessment of pupils takes place. The teacher can measure the progress of each pupil by carrying out lessons and setting the children clear learning objectives. At the beginning of the lesson the learning support practitioner will need to be aware ob the learning objective and need to know what they are going to be supporting, once they kno w this then they will be able to show the children what they are going to do and how to achieve it.The day to day planning and lesson plans are the main responsibilities of the class teacher, but feedback and input from the teaching assistant can help the teacher structure the planned lessons. As well as the teacher having more responsibility in relation to their planning we both work together to ensure that all children achieve their targets and both carry out observations of the children in their class. By carrying out observations this gives factual feedback to the teacher to show exactly what stage each child is a, if they need extra support and how to get them to their targets.The teachers role in assesment for learning is to look at the observations and feedback given to work out the different learning groups and move children about if necessary, regular reviews of these groups will ensure that the groups are more specific to their ability and the children will gain confidence from working in groups of pupils with the same ability. Both teacher and assistant need to be giving praise and encouragement and also be giving feedabck to the children on how they are doing this will encourage motivation from the pupils. 1. 2- Summarise the difference between formative and summative assessment.Formative assessment is a formal way of working on a lesson or target that needs to be learned, it is an ongoing process over time used to check that the pupils have learned and understood the lesson through observations and seeing how they work and what strategies are best for the pupils. It is a way of monitoring pupils to check their understanding and to clear up any problems that are observed. Any problems will need to be altered to suit the individual needs. It is also used so that the pupils can identify their own strengths and weaknesses.Children should be involved in reviewing their own progress throughout the lesson and be encouraged to think about what they have l earned and how it might help future lessons. Summative assessment is a fact based way of assessing, it can be done by end of week tests to see how the pupils are performing and whether they understand what they have learned. It will show whether the pupil has achieved or not and if it shows they havent planning will be taken into account to alter the way the child is taught, therfore constant review will take place to help to understand future lessons.There are a number of ways formative assessment takes place in the classroom and a couple of examples Examples of formative assessment Observations- this will be done throughout the lesson to make sure the target for that lesson has been met. Feedback to the teacher- this will show if a child has understood the lesson or if extra support is needed. Feedback from the child- this will determine whther the child feels they have understood the lesson outcome. Examples of summative assessment End of week tests SATS End of unit testsAlthough formative and summative assessments are different ways of assessing learning they are both used for assessing and following the national curriculum. Formative assessment is a more formal type of assessing where the focus is on monitoring pupils response to the lesson and any progress made. Summative is where the focus is on determing what the pupil has learned for example in a test at the end of term.1. 3-Explain the characteristics of assessment for learning. When the teacher shares and explain the learning objective with the pupils they will be giving the pupils a clear understanding of what they are to learn, they can  check the childs understanding by asking questions, the support learning practitioner will also need to be aware of the learning objective. It aims to help pupils gain a clear understanding of the standards they are aiming for an example of this could be providing an example of previous work. By allowing pupikls to do self and peer assessment it allows them to a ssess the progress they have made and identify how they can improve their work. Peer assessing allows others in the group to act as critical friends.By providing feedback the pupils will see more clearly what they need to do next and how to improve on their work if needed, examples of feedback could be questions in a group or a through a whole class discussion. Promoting confidence that every child can improve will see the child gain satisfaction on their own progress and will give them a sense that they can continue to improve, a teacher or TA can do this by giving positive and constructive feedback, setting appropriate targets to their ability and then working out a learning objective which will challenge individuals.Involving both teacher and pupils reviewing and reflecting on assessment for learning it will allow the teacher to balance teacher assessment with peer and self assessment allowing the children to take responsibilty for their own learning and allows them to reflect on what they have learned. They will focus on learning objectives and sucess allowing them to make good progress. 1. 4-Explain the importance and benefits of assessment for learning- Assessment for learning is an essential part of education as it defines whether or not the learning objectives are being met.Assessment for learning is a significant way to raise a pupils academic achievement. In order for the pupil to progress through the school they must understand the purpose of their learning, where they are in relation to this purpose and how they can achieve their set goals and targets. Assessment will help a pupil reflect on their own development which in turn will help them recognise their own strengths, a benefit of this is if a pupilis given the opportunity to discuss their learning either with a teacher/TA or their peers they may develop a deeper understanding of their learning which can build confidence and motivate them as students.Assessments can identify individual educatio nal needs of all children as well as informing them about their performance and achievments this will then allow teachers to use different approaches personalised to each childs needs. Children who feel they are not part of the learning process are more likely to lose interest in the lesson. Assessment for learning is used so that the pupil is able to understand the objective/aimof the lesson, what they need to do to reach this and where they are in relation to this.1. 5-Explain how assessment for learning can contribute to planning for future learning carried out by- Teacher- It will contribute to future planning for the teacher as the teacher will be able to differentiate different groups by ability and then levels they are at. They will be able to recognise if any child needs any additional support, whether it just be extra one to one support or whether and outside agency is required for example occupational therapists.The teacher will decide through assessment for learning who t he TA is to work with and will make sure they have all the correct resources ready. Doing reports throughout the year will allow any information to be passed on to supply teachers and end of year reports will be passed to the new teacher of the next year to show what stage the pupils are at and they will carry on where the last teacher left off. Pupil-It will contribute to future planning for the pupil as they will know what their targets are and how to achieve them.Feedback to the teacher or TA on whether they understand the learning objective. They may even offer suggestions to simplify the explanations or may find and easier way of acvhieving. Self and peer assessment in which the children identify their own achievements and progress and think about what they need to do to improve this. They may learn better by using different learning techniques for example visual as oppesed to kinastetic.Just by asking the pupils questions will contribute for example â€Å"do you think your ha ndwriting is neat† they will know if thet need to work on improving and should put it into practise on their next attempt. TA-By working alongside the teacher and pupils the TA will be able to recognise any areas of learning that need revisiting, they will do this by asking the pupils questions on how they feel the lesson went, is there any learning styles that would have made them understand it better.They will feedback to the teacher to help prepare for future lessons and gather any resources that will be needed. A teaching assistant may also feedback to the teacher via feedback forms and the teacher may decide that a child in a certain group needs to move to another group. A TA will give extra assistance if a child needs it and give less able pupils the opportunity to revisit areas they are unsure of.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Carles Gauss

Carl Friedrich Gauss was born 1777 and died in the year of 1855. He was a German mathematician noted for his wide-ranging contributions to physics, particularly the study of electromagnetism. Born in Braunschweig on April 30, 1777, Gauss studied ancient languages in college, but at the age of 17 he became interested in mathematics and attempted a solution of the classical problem of constructing a regular heptagon, or seven-sided figure, with ruler and compass. He not only succeeded in proving this construction impossible, but went on to give methods of constructing figures with 17, 257, and 65,537 sides. In so doing he proved that the construction, with compass and ruler, of a regular polygon with an odd number of sides was possible only when the number of sides was a prime number of the series 3, 5, 17, 257, and 65,537 or was a multiple of two or more of these numbers. With this discovery he gave up his intention to study languages and turned to mathematics. He studied at the University of Gà ¶ttingen from 1795 to 1798; for his doctoral thesis he submitted a proof that every algebraic equation has at least one root, or solution. This theorem, which had challenged math ematicians for centuries, is still called â€Å"the fundamental theorem of algebra†. His volume on the theory of numbers, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Inquiries into Arithmetic, 1801), is a classic work in the field of mathematics. Gauss next turned his attention to astronomy. A faint planetoid, Ceres, had been discovered in 1801; and because astronomers thought it was a planet, they observed it with great interest until losing sight of it. From the early observations Gauss calculated its exact position, so that it was easily rediscovered. He also worked out a new method for calculating the orbits of heavenly bodies. In 1807 Gauss was appointed professor of mathematics and director of the observatory at Gà ¶ttingen, holding both positions until his death there on Februa... Free Essays on Carles Gauss Free Essays on Carles Gauss Carl Friedrich Gauss was born 1777 and died in the year of 1855. He was a German mathematician noted for his wide-ranging contributions to physics, particularly the study of electromagnetism. Born in Braunschweig on April 30, 1777, Gauss studied ancient languages in college, but at the age of 17 he became interested in mathematics and attempted a solution of the classical problem of constructing a regular heptagon, or seven-sided figure, with ruler and compass. He not only succeeded in proving this construction impossible, but went on to give methods of constructing figures with 17, 257, and 65,537 sides. In so doing he proved that the construction, with compass and ruler, of a regular polygon with an odd number of sides was possible only when the number of sides was a prime number of the series 3, 5, 17, 257, and 65,537 or was a multiple of two or more of these numbers. With this discovery he gave up his intention to study languages and turned to mathematics. He studied at the University of Gà ¶ttingen from 1795 to 1798; for his doctoral thesis he submitted a proof that every algebraic equation has at least one root, or solution. This theorem, which had challenged math ematicians for centuries, is still called â€Å"the fundamental theorem of algebra†. His volume on the theory of numbers, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae (Inquiries into Arithmetic, 1801), is a classic work in the field of mathematics. Gauss next turned his attention to astronomy. A faint planetoid, Ceres, had been discovered in 1801; and because astronomers thought it was a planet, they observed it with great interest until losing sight of it. From the early observations Gauss calculated its exact position, so that it was easily rediscovered. He also worked out a new method for calculating the orbits of heavenly bodies. In 1807 Gauss was appointed professor of mathematics and director of the observatory at Gà ¶ttingen, holding both positions until his death there on Februa...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Analysis Of Crm In Media Saturn Holding Marketing Essay

Analysis Of Crm In Media Saturn Holding Marketing Essay Whereas Media Markt is present in fifteen European countries with its stores, and it is operating also online nearly in all countries (exept Turkey, Russia and China).In all other country markets, the company’s homepage in the respective country only gives product information and refers consumers to the local outlet. (Reference) prices are not indicated, because, as already indicated, they are calculated locally and thus are not valid nationally within the context of retail store business.The entry into e-commerce was combined with the market entry in Italy in 1999. In the course of the takeover of Media World, the online shop Media World.it started at the beginning of 2000 with 500 articles. Logo and design were adapted to Media Markt, but with orange, green and yellow, they were flashier. Later on, it was adapted gradually and since January 2000, the company belongs to the Media-Saturn Holding. Under company law, it had been a direct affiliate of Metro Italia up to that tim e. On the homepage of Media World.it, the button â€Å"Compro online† (online shop) used to be somewhat hidden between job advertisements and the repair service.However direct access is now possible on the homepage, enabling the customer to visit the online shop independently of visiting the homepage itself.On the shop’s main page, it was not very clear at the beginning how large the product assortment really was: apparently, about 500 electrical equipment articles in welve groups, from car radio to washing machine. By the end of 2000, the product range had been increased to 1,500 products, with the aim of ultimately having a shop with an assortment of 5,000 articles. At the beginning, the prices of the Internet shop represented an average of the prices offered at all 23 Italian outlets at that time. Media World stores were not yet represented in the South of Italy or in Sicily. However, deliveries from the online shop were possible to all of Italy from the central war ehouse in Monza.Today, prices are calculated on the basis of comparisons with those of domestic online competitors are indicated on the homepage at the respective product description and are communicated aggressively (Hedewig Mohr 2000). From thebeginning,Media World has guaranteed delivery within five working days, but freight costs depended on the weight of the goods.Up to the present, payment is mostly made with credit cards. Other countries did not meet with online shop that early unfortunately. Metro and Media Saturn management had a long discussion time about the current market requirements of the sector. Metro Group managed to convience the Media Saturn Holding by 2011 for multichannel and Media Markt went online in 2011 in Austria first. End of 2011 Saturn opened its online store in Germany. Media Markt Germany followed in early months of 2012. By then all counties launched their online operations one by one. Only Turkey,Russia and China not operating in online channel yet. But preparation are ready for Turkey and Russia. It is expected to have online channel in these countries soon. China is not yet clear.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Forensics with UNIX. Prepaid Cell Phones Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Forensics with UNIX. Prepaid Cell Phones - Essay Example One of the most common differences between the UNIX system and Microsoft Windows is the security characteristics in the system design. In most cases, organizations can be drawn into computer investigations even without their will. However, most digital investigations that involve the computer are not successful because of the mistakes that are made in an early stage. One of the most common predicaments is the destruction, compromising and ignoring of digital evidence. This can create a serious crisis within the victim organization (Perrin 2010). Therefore, this crisis is supposed to be managed appropriately in order to ensure a successful digital investigation. The executive individuals in a corporation are supposed to have the capability of devising a corporate plan in the organization. This corporate plan should cover various risks including management structures, resourcing, core procedures, risk analysis and management aims. According to this information, UNIX is a user-friendly system in digital investigation as compared to Microsoft Windows (Sommer 2012). The main difference in the design and the security level of Microsoft Windows and UNIX illustrates one of the crucial and distinct. As stated above, this difference is based on the philosophy of the security level in the design of the operating systems. ... Lastly, the evidence must also satisfy the conditions that are set up by the legal tests of acceptability performed on the systems. UNIX has become one of the well known system targets that have attracted digital investigation. References Perrin, C 2010, UNIX vs. Microsoft Windows: How system designs reflect security philosophy, viewed 4 Oct 2012, http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/security/unix-vs-microsoft-windows-how-system-designs-reflect-security-philosophy/4627 Sommer, P 2012, Digital evidence, digital investigations and E-disclosure: A guide to forensic readiness for organizations, security advisers and lawyers, viewed 4 Oct 2012, http://www.iaac.org.uk/_media/DigitalInvestigations2012.pdf Week 5 DQ2: prepaid cell phones Recent research proves that the cellular phones have become exceedingly valuable for the human beings. This device can be used by all age groups to assist them with their life styles. The mobile phones have also topped the chart in social interaction. A prepaid cell phone is defined as a mobile phone which uses credit that has already been purchased in advance for the use of the mobile services (Virgin Mobile 2012). In this case, the purchased credit caters for all the mobile phone services that are accessed by the handler of the phone. The users usually top up their credit through several techniques depending of the payment mechanisms. In the contemporary world, the prepaid cell phones are slowly evolving to a social event. This is because the device can be used for several purposes (Barit 2012). It is quite clear that the prepaid phones have a lower cost since; it is easier to control spending. However, the prepaid customers sometimes pay more for the mobile services depending on what they do with their phones.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Response Journal to the novel The Cashier by Gabrielle Roy Essay

Response Journal to the novel The Cashier by Gabrielle Roy - Essay Example People begin to anticipate and this anticipation, when added with a sprinkling of skepticism, results to overreaction. Overreaction is more than what Alexandre displayed. Even when he is supposed to be having a normal life, though not one that is grandeur, he reminds himself of the worse facets of life and disregards that he still lives and breathes. For him life is a constant reminder of how everyone in the world must be prepared in war. In fact, he has been informed through encyclopedias that the global community each has their own take on war and the armaments that go with it. Although this thought does not comfort him, he believes that everyone must feel the same—that everyone should have be prepared for the changes of life. The actor has the habit of spending most of his moments thinking about the most trivial things and then instantly shifts to another course that is entirely different. The randomness of his take on the things that are happening all over the world is a manifestation of the mantra that he believes has happened to him. As time goes by, life has taken the best of him. â€Å"During his life he had lost a great number of things, and almost always the best things – first his youth, and then his health, and now his sleep (Roy, 1954).† Obviously, this included his sanity. Although it cannot be said that he is becoming insane, it can be concluded that his inability to focus on a specific matter without drifting to another stream of thoughts completely unrelated marks the beginning of his insanity. His thoughts begin with trivial, common thoughts characteristic of someone who lacks enough sleep and is distraught by how life has shown its cruel side. He has been under the roughest conditions, without decent clothes to live by and a partner who cannot think about important things. Indeed some of his thoughts are very profound, considering that he

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Analisys of demand and supply affecting Shell Oil Coursework

Analisys of demand and supply affecting Shell Oil - Coursework Example The effects of changes in the price and availability of gods and services, which serve as complements to oil have had a great impact on the demand for Shell’s products. A good is as a complement when a rise in its price results to a negative shift in the demand curve for the good of interest. The rise in the maintenance costs has placed tremendous pressure on the demand for oil and affecting the price for the company’s products. The price fall in shares for other industries that heavily rely on oil has had a great impact on demand for oil. The reduced profitability and price wars among companies such as Tesco, J Sainsbury, and Marks Spenser reduces the demand for Shell’s products. Increase in price of engineering tools used in processing and extraction of oil have had a negative impact on the demand for oil (Mason, 2011). Shell can increase the price for its products and services to cover higher overhead costs. A substitute good or service is as a substitute when an increase in its price results into a positive shift in the demand for good or service of interest (Cherunilam, 2007). The increase in the availability of alternative fuel sources such as solar energy has a negative impact on the demand for oil. ... The demand for Shell’s products is price sensitive (elastic) since a reduction in the price for Shell petrol will automatically result into an increase in demand. In the case of Shell’s products and services, the percentage change in demand is greater than the change in price. The effects of 2008 economic crisis have had negative impacts on the available income to most people in the UK and the rest of the world. This results into decreased availability of disposable income thereby lowering the demand for products and services (Kotler, 2006). An increase in the level of income can result in increased demand for Shell’s products as people start spending more on luxuries such as travelling longer distances using private cars. This will result into increased demand for fuel. Changes in the company’s operations can have remarkable impacts on the supply curve. The increase in cost of oil extraction due to the effects of economic recession is likely to lead to a shift in Shell’s supply curve. The cost of the refinery is a vital factor that causes a shift in the supply curve. The high cost of production has resulted into less supply and consequently fewer profits (Tanne & Raymond, 2010). The increase in the number of the company’s own retail outlets is playing a major role in increasing the company’s global presence. This results into positive shift in the supply curve. Market failures and imperfections An externality is an impact resulting because of an economic activity that affects unrelated third parties (Maidment, 2002). An example of an externality is the recent Shell’s oil spill in Niger Delta, which affected the surrounding environment and affected the health and economic life of the nearby residents. An externality can

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sector Analysis of the Nigerian Clothing Market

Sector Analysis of the Nigerian Clothing Market INTRODUCTION This section of the report is divided into segments and Im going to look into the sector analysis of the Nigerian clothing market through online databases, company reports, magazines, journal and newsletters. Kotler Gartner (2002) claim that PEST analysis is a functional considered tool for understanding market growth or decline, industry position, potential and direction for operations. In this report PEST analysis of the macro environment will be carried out to explore the factors that influence company policies; and Porters five forces will be used to understand the competitive environment of the industry. PEST analysis illustrate the political issues of a country which has to do the rules and regulation governing; economic forces which encompass the bargaining power and consumer purchasing patterns, interest rates and taxes. Next is technology which comprises of product development, innovation and inventions in the industry, online advert and new distribution methods. Finally social forces consist of change in life style, religion, fashion and roles models. Macro-environment This consists of the companys business suppliers, market intermediaries, buyer markets, competitors and the public (Kotler 2004.p:107). The most general layers of these environments are industry or sector and organisation which are again referred to as macro-environment. Thus, this consists of broad environmental factors that impact to a greater or lesser extent on an organisation. It is important to build up an understanding of how changes in the macro environment are likely to impact on a sector. These symbolize the uncontrollable factors of a business and how these factors (PEST) affect the Nigerian clothing industry is discussed below. Political Force Political forces play a vital role in business and it can be refer to the total sum of political, consumer protection, environmental regulations, employment law, competitive regulations, political trends, legal and regulatory forces which are enforced by the courts and regulatory agencies and are capable of controlling a companys marketing decisions and strategies (Dibb S. et al 1997). In Nigeria precisely, there are three main forces that make up the political environment and they are: Executive branch, legislative branch and judicial branch. It is necessary and mandatory for an organisation to stick to political rules and regulation governing their day to day business activities of the country (Brassington F. 2006) Nigeria today has an extended list of prohibited items. According to Business day (2009), Nigerian has up to 80 banned items in its prohibition list while countries like Sierra Leone, Congo and Guinea have none. Furthermore, Senegal has 4, Ghana 19, Republic of Benin 10, Cameroon 13 and Gambia 1. In Nigerias import prohibition list items such as sugar, sweet, soap, fruit juice, textile fabrics, shoes, tooth paste, envelopes, mosquito nets and biscuits. This is in short supply apparently because of inadequate capacity accounted for by the harsh operating environment. In the case of textiles, the most strong of them all, Nigerian had over 120 textile factories in 1980 and this period was refer to as the era of textile boom in Nigerian. But recently the figure has dropped to 45 as a result of productive capacity of the sector which is so low to the point that about 90 percent of textiles/fabrics needs of the country are being fed through importation (Business day 2009). According to the (Mail and Guardian 2009), Anyanwu, founder of the Ogodo label, said the industry began stirring only when Olusegun Obasanjo banned importation of foreign clothes in the late 1990s. Anyanwu further stressed that, this forced designers to look inwards and discovered their capabilities, and that the company Ogodo, meaning Igbo for clothing of â€Å"good quality† was founded and premiered at Nigerias fashion week in 2006 (mail and guardian 2009). The Nigerian government has banned the importation of printed fabric/textile products from entering into the country in other to guard its own ailing industries in Nigeria (BBC 2002). In spite of the outlaw on importation of fabric or clothing by the Nigerian government ever since the new democratic dispensation, there is still an increase in the purchase of foreign products like clothing by Nigerian consumers. Furthermore the law was implemented to enable the local industries to thrive in the very competitive clothing market and to discard increasing demand of foreign goods in the Nigerian market (BBC 2002). The Nigerian market is proliferated with the importation of foreign labels which already have global recognition, Okechukwu (1999). Importation of clothing goods into Nigeria often poses threat to the local manufacturers whose products are relatively unidentified in the country. However, there is no efficient regulatory body that governs designers. In the West and Southern part of Africa, stakeholders in any specialized industry form regulatory bodies whose primary tasks include: providing resources for members, engaging in public guidance principle and governmental relations with the regulation of makers of clothes, and establishing suitable industry practices to stay competitive both locally and abroad. Although, banning the importation of textiles/fabrics was meant to provide leverage for Nigeria in its dealings with its trading partners. In fact, the 1977 ban, for example, was the result of what the government deemed a self-sufficient Clothing and Textile industry. The government, arguably, got it right. As of 1980, Nigeria was ranked the third largest textile industry in Africa after Egypt and South Africa (Uduak 2009). Enforcing increased of government regulation in the Nigeria economy today, the rising price of oil, communication advancements and travel options have all led towards a growing market for brand names products in Nigeria. Moreover clothes is a prime product since it was geared toward customers in third world country where the per capital income was extremely low. From the continent of Africa, there was a war in Abeokuta, involving the Yorubas in western Nigeria. This war was the result of them [Yoruba] rejecting to wear items brought from the British Colonists and their preference to locally made Nigerian clothes and Yoruba outfits with the reason that it represented their culture and custom (Jean 2004:p.256). Bayfield cited in Jean (2004) argues that their act visibly illustrated to colonial authorities those elite were not only setting themselves apart from colonial authorities and values but also showing commitment both political and cultural to being Yoruba. Precisely, in Yoruba community, the types and quality of clothes they wear are significant and a Yoruba wardrobe includes imported textiles, Such as velvet and locally woven (Jean 2004:p.256). Economic force It is important for every firm to know the economy of the country were they operate in other for the business to expand. The factor of Economic forces make up marketing environment and it consists of issues ranging from effects of the present day economic situation in a country which are caused by the forces of buying power, consumption, supply and demand, and spending patterns. The factors mentioned determine the success and growth of any organisations marketing strategies but which are uncontrollable by the organisation (Dibb S. et al 1997). The Nigerian economy has been experiencing growth for the past 10 years which has brought light to Nigerian (GMID 2005). The Nigerian consumers are becoming fashion conscious due to the new fashion trends and development in the society today. A majority of adult and middle-aged consumers have developed tastes which are comparable to those of their counterparts in developed countries, as a result of the advent of satellite communication and internet which has further made the diffusion of information and knowledge easy to reach out to the Nigerian population. This reason partly accounts for the elevated spending on clothing as indicated in a study that was carried out by (GMID 2005). Again, GMIDs study in 2005 about the Nigerian consumers spending pattern revealed that a greater proportion of their total income is spent on clothing, which is ranked third, (5.36%) after food and shelter with 56.42% and 8.89% respectively. Realistically, Nigerian [locally] made clothes are cheaper as opposed to the imported ones as the cost of labour is comparatively low and the materials used are internal. Also, considering the cost of importing foreign good, and its associated duties at the countrys ports undoubtedly makes foreign goods including clothing deer to that of the traditionally made ones. One important factor which could influence the consumption pattern of the Nigerian consumers in the clothing industry is the income levels. As a developing country, with a per capita of $2,300 (Siakhenn, 2008), coupled with the current global economic crises, which has crippled employment, and making more redundant, Nigerian consumers might be Sceptical about spending, especially on more fashionable cloths, but which will be affected the most, local or imported? The Nigeria financial system is based on crude oil, agriculture and trades due to the transformation of colonial rules in late 19th century. The necessitate to pay taxes to the colonial government forced Nigerian farmers to restore food-producing crops with cash-producing crops, the Nigerian government decided to reduce their prices in other to resolve profit. Although the Nigerian petroleum industry developed in 1960 and 1970 has brought a massive increased exporting agriculture products, infrastructure, earnings, social service and huge investment in industry. In respect of this situation many large investments often joint venture with private corporations. The Nigerian gross domestic product was improving in 2007 with $165 billion. In respectively the gross domestic product has a wide range, most times depending on the oil market at that period because it varies like in 1985 it was $81 billion, $33.2 billion in 1994, $40.5 billion in 1995 this was increasing yearly and the total GDP per capital was $1,118.20 which was among the lowest in the world. The less privileged experience hard slap due to the Nigeria economic problems and importation of goods were expensive (Stock 2009). Company in Nigeria today are expending due to the fact that Nigerian consumer now patronize locally made clothes, this clothes are relative cheap and affordable which have good values for money, In respect of this the Nigeria consumer barging power of consumer have increase over time. Furthermore, the interest rate has an effect on different magnitude on each of the monetary total. Examples if there are high interest rates in different country of origin it will affect the Nigeria economic and price rates of product will be expensive, due to the fact that these goods are imported into Nigeria. Social force Social force is very necessary in business and it encompasses factors like culture, customer demographics, attitudes and how opinions are being formed (Brassington F. 2006). Thus, this social force has help marketer to study consumer buying pattern, motivation and consumer behaviour. In Nigeria Clothing symbolizes religious affiliation, in spite of the Nigerian limited disposable income; consumers are able to spend most of their income on amusement, holiday and fashion which are the things that are significant to working class. At this phase of their lives, they have no responsibilities and little or no savings. Thus, they can consequently spend all the income they earn. The young adults group in Nigeria has a relatively low purchasing power because most of them are just starting-off on their own. As a result, they tend to spend their income on more tangible goods such as cars, apartments and clothes. Though they are mindful of fashion, they are more conscious spenders than the studying age consumers. The middle-aged adults have higher purchasing power as they are more established in their careers and have attained some level of financial success. This group consequently are able to afford more luxurious clothing items (GMID 2007). These classifications will be u seful for evaluating the discrepancies between the various age segments. Generally in African fashion it is well known and it is treated more like as a cultural experience. The Nigerian society has frowned on fashion design as a serious profession. In reality norms and attitudes reveal a degrading â€Å"you cant be serious† attitude towards fashion. Clothing industrial in Nigerian society is blooming especially foreign label clothes because it differentiates the rich from the poor, due to the exposure of the western culture most consumers that go to other country of origin for schooling, working or business preferred their lifestyles and the ways they dress because it makes them expose (GMID 2007) The consumers buying pattern has change over time, they younger adults in Nigeria prefer to wear be best outfit and latest shoes due to the kinds of events and occasion they are attending, this reasons usually influence younger consumer to purchase. Furthermore most of the consumers in Nigeria are being influence by lifestyle trends and role models because in the society there are always news trends and development, this consumer want to meet up to standard by dress according to roles models. Technological Technology plays vital roles in an organisation and it is constant to change in nature, it is necessary for and establishment to follow the trends of technology so that the organisation will not be lacking behind. Technology has being so benefits to firms it terms of advertising, innovation processes and quality control. Technology has helped the fashion industry to improve tremendously. Since 1960 the Nigerian internet sector has suffered delay by the countries immature infrastructure, but recently things are changing as rivalry intensifies and new internet technology has been able to convey wireless broadband access across different state in Nigerian. Thus, Nigeria has experienced a large increase in Internet and broadband use over the past 10 years. And Improvements in technology has made broadband more available and faster through the use of communication industrial like mobile telecommunication network MTN, Nigerian mobile communication M-Tel and Globacom Glo which has increase the use of information search engines and has made it easier for consumers to search through different web sites and this makes it easier to reach customers as well as making it easier for customer to access competition. Therefore the technology has improved and the system and usage of communication in Nigeria. Statistics show that in 2000 the estimate population of Nigeria was 142,895,600 but the internet users were only 200,000. In the year 2006 there was a vast increase on internet usage and population growth in Nigerian. Thus, the population was 159,404,137 and the internet users rose to 5,000,000 (GMID 2005) which was a huge development. Technology is fast improving in the Nigerian economic with the effect of broad brand and wireless internet various purchase has being made and customer has also use this median to check what is happening in the fashion industrial and the new fashion trends. Furthermore companies like Collectibles in the fashion industry of Nigeria have been able to use the internet technology to publicize and advertise their different brands of Nigerian products and this has created awareness in the country. Thus, various consumer has made has made order for different verity of clothes through online because it is ease to access. Majority of the fashion industrial in Nigeria has an online shop in other to prevent query and crowd. An examples like during sales in Nigeria most consumer purchase their product online in other to reduce querying up in shop. Moreover, the impart of technology to the society of Nigerian has help the fashion industrials and other business in the countries in term of high volumes of production rates which has made establishment to grow and also companies has use the median of technology to advertise their various goods and service to the public which has created awareness and high volumes of sales. Thus, the impart of technology has made industrial to know the numbers of manpower to employ and be utilize per day. Competitive Environment The clothing Industries in Nigerian are faced with lot of competition. There are a lot of locally made fabrics that are popular in the market and also other retail sellers travel outside Nigeria to other countries to like china to shop. This is because they can get cheaper goods and other option when they come back they make their products cheap, affordable and enlighten in order to satisfy customer needs and wants. Thus, Nigeria likes fashion and there are lots of boutiques in the country meaning competition is quite high, though the quality of these goods does not match that of Collectibles the best fashion industry in Nigeria. Abe is huge market in Nigeria which is known for fashionable clothes outfits and accessories their product are usually called â€Å"Made in Nigeria goods†. In Nigeria, the community of Abe everyone has a sewing machine which the used in sewing clothing and consumer patronize them. A lot of shops in Nigeria get their clothing items from Abe, which is a local fashion market in Nigeria and they resell them in the other shops, these are Nigerian made clothes. There are also a large range of bigger Fashion outlets which has various branches across Nigeria such as Collectibles, Marbella culture, Charlotte Andrews collection, Bibis couture, De javu essence, Dee top choice, Wranglers and yeside fashion store. This means the level of competition in the fashion industry in Nigeria is very high. In analysing the competitive environment of clothing industry, Porters Five Forces model will be used. This model will help us have a better understanding of the competitive environment because the Porters five forces model does not just agree that competition is about direct competitors but it encompasses the entire possibility of all future indirect competitors (Brassington F 2006). Which are based on five factors and they include intensity of rivalry, new entrants, suppliers, buyers and substitutes (Jobber 2007). Intensity of rivalry in the Nigerian clothing sector In traditional economic model, Competition among rival firms drives profit to zero. The intensity of rivalry is a necessary factor when analysing the competitive environment because it deal with number of factors that companies have to understand before going into the industry for business and they include: structure of the competition, structure of costs, degree of differentiation, switching costs, strategic objectives and exit barriers. This made firms strive for competitive advantages over their rivals and this can be achieved through creation of relationships between quality, supplier and clothing industry. The intensity of the rivalry in the clothing sector in Nigeria market is really fierce. As theres free movement of goods to Nigeria from the African union, and also with the influx of Asian clothing shops, the competition for market share is intense (GMID2008). Collectibles has a number of rivals in clothing sector like Yeside fashion, Marbella culture, Charlotte Andrews collection, and De javu essence. Wranglers are seemed to be in serious competition with collectibles fashion industry. A wrangler has been able to attract consumers by creating its own brand clothing labels and stylish shoes which collectible has taken the lead in it. Through this median companies are obeying the laws passed on them by the government. This has increased the intensity of rivalry in the industry because most of the company are working towards common goals to become a market leader. Threat of new entrants New entrants in business have a way of raising the level of competition in a particular industry and in turn reduce its attractiveness. When an industry has too many companies competing against each other, this can be the reason for its unattractiveness and this can be as a result of the low entry barriers that some industries have which makes entry easy (Jobber D. 2004). Furthermore, Kotler 2004 in his writing stated that new entrants to industry bring new capacity and new ideas, the aspiration to gain market share. As a result of this the new entrants in industry the competition will be the higher and this could change major determents market environment like price, customer loyalty and market share. Furthermore, within the Nigerian clothing market, the possibility existing or new laws restricting new entrants seems bleak especially with current globalisation and the African Union enabling free movement of goods. Aside from external forces, there is also possibility that local investors will invade the clothing market, due to the lucrative nature of the sector (the collectible fashion). This is well explained by the rapid growth of Chinese products in Africa and more importantly, in Nigeria. A BBC (2005) article titled â€Å"should Africa embrace china†, confirmed that developing countries are gradually becoming the real victims of Chinas economic progress with goods, especially clothing, being imported into counties including Nigeria. Collectible has a strong attendance in the Nigeria market and has gained the attention of large population of Nigeria consumer which make it very difficult for new entrants to break into. Threat of substitute products According to five porters models substitute refer to products in other industrials and when an establishment has lot of substitutes it makes it unappealing to the consumer because they can easily switches from one product to another. The main factor behind substitutes in clothing market is the price and the style. Majority of consumer are attracted and motivated by the price of the products in the shops because most of the shops frequently have offers and sales promotions on products which attracts customers. The current price war among various shops in Nigeria has left smaller retailers having a difficulty in setting prices to be as low as leading retailers like collectible. Most shoppers are motivated by price and will substitute their regular shop for the next which offers a more attractive price list. The free entry and exit within the Nigerian clothing market, coupled with the greater importation of foreign clothes and the greater number of local clothes traders gives the consumer a number of choices. Threats of substitutes are really high and this has a significant impact on the prices and more importantly the power the consumer has. More substitutes mean that the customer has options, which, as noted by Porter, means that one producer cannot influence the market by ruling prices. In order to match each others competition strategies, due to the threats posed by substitutes, shop owners resort to various promotional strategies, which are normally ‘prices wars. The bargaining power of suppliers Supplier power is a reflection of buyer power and it represent a vital roles in industry competitive environment because if the bargaining power of suppliers is high then this will have an effect on the firms profitability this is as a result of increase the in cost of raw materials and subsequently the cost of finished products(Jobber D. 2004). Clothing market are increasing the standard of quality on their products which they get from suppliers and this has affected the relationship between retail companies and their various suppliers who have not been able to keep up with the new quality standard they require. The bargaining power of suppliers in Nigeria is really low. As noted by Porter (1979) when the bargain power of the suppliers is high, prices go up. This is the opposite of the Nigerian clothing sector. This is because though suppliers may be limited in number; most clothing retailers have their own manufacturers which are an integral part of their business. Thus most retailers use own brand/label, and this further echoes why the customers have such a high bargain power. Buyers According kippenberger (1998) states that it is often useful to distinguish potential buyer power from the buyers willingness or incentive to use that power, willingness that derives mainly from the â€Å"risk of failure† associated with a products use. Thus, Buyers refer to customer who patronise an organization and usually have more buyers bargaining power. (Lynch 2006). The size and concentration of customer is very vital and also buyer powers are very necessary because it influence the factor in clothing market as a result of high level of substitution of retailers. With the huge daily influx of clothes as explained above from overseas and with the existence of locally made ones, the bargain power of the Nigerian customer is really high. This is again backed by the fact that the number of choices available to the customers tends to drive the cost of clothes down in the country. Conclusion of sector analysis The sector analysis comprises of pest analysis and porters five forces theory which been use in this framework and it has help to analyses the Nigerian clothing market and also able to check the barriers and limitation of the market. In this analysis, secondary data was used to find out more information of the industrial and the perception of consumers towards foreign and locally made clothes which has giving the research more ideas to carried on to the next chapter which is the literature review.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Fencing Problem - Mathematics :: Math Coursework Mathematics

The Fencing Problem Introduction ============ I have been given 1000 meters of fencing and my aim is to find out the maximum area inside. ====================================================================== Prediction ---------- I would predict that the more sides the shape has, then possibly the bigger the area it will have, although I have nothing to base this on, it will be what I am about to investigate. Shapes: I am going to start with the rectangle, I think this is a good starting block because I am able to vary the widths and lengths to see which has the bigger area. If I discover that the rectangles with equal sides i.e. square bring me the best result, then I will try to direct my investigation into furthering that particular theory. Rectangles ---------- [IMAGE] Area = 40 000 m2 ================ [IMAGE] Area = 60 000 m2 [IMAGE] Area = 62 500 m2 It appears that the square shape has a bigger area, I would possibly say that this is because the square has two bigger numbers, which are multiplied together to give a greater number than when a big number is multiplied with a smaller number. However, I cannot take this for granted and I think using one more shape will be useful in order to back up my theory. [IMAGE] Area = 52 500m This proves my theory regarding squares and I shall now put my results into a graph to show what I have found. Length (m) Width (m) Area (m) 400 100 40 000 300 200 60 000 250 250 62 500 150 350 52 500 I will now further my investigation by looking at shapes of a different nature: [IMAGE] Regular Pentagon ---------------- The regular pentagon has 5 sides, and as we get 1000m of fencing, this means each side will be 200m (1000Â ¸5=200).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Health Care Provider

A. S. Course: Health Policy $ Ethics in Public Health April 8, 2013 Health care as a right or privilege Our moral duty is to take care of each human been regardless the cost. There is nothing more valuable that we possess rather than our health as well there is nothing that should be more costly and more protected then life itself.On the question â€Å"whose responsibility is to protect† our personal health, the right answer, about the individual or society responsibility most probably â€Å"lies somewhere between† those choices, furthermore by having healthy basis each of the society from one side and society from the other side as well should â€Å"have something to gain†.Neither of individuals or society should expect that the other should take on whole responsibly, therefore individuals should take at least some responsibility, as well society will serve as a â€Å"safety net†. (Williams, 2012). Over the time, taking care for people who are unable to a llow themselves a health care was based on charity, compassion, benevolence rather than some principle of ethics or justice.Within United States of America and mainly industrialized countries, the â€Å"primary barrier to health care† is related without appropriate â€Å"insurance reimbursement† (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2001) The constitution of World health Organization at the time will be the first international step to ensure the highest enjoyment health standards settle them up as fundamental and necessary right for every human being as (â€Å"the right of health†), those international human rights as a set of social—norms, laws, institutions based on agreements that secure the right of health enjoyment.Furthermore every world country is a part of at least â€Å"one human rights treaty† that involves health related rights as well this one will include and health necessary conditions (World Health Organization, 2013). Comm on set of goals, and objectives for both private and public sector partnerships actions to help ethnic, and racial minorities will be provided by the national stakeholders Strategy for Achieving Health Equality under whose umbrella will be covered incorporates ideas, suggestions and comments from â€Å"thousands individuals and organizations, country wide.National Partnership for Action will state: â€Å"Health equity is attainment of the highest level of health for all people† (National Partnership for Action, n. d. ) Furthermore, across United States 45 million citizens reaming uninsured, borderline or underinsured. The ones who are living in â€Å"poverty† are experiencing the worst health status, keeping in mind several important factors as educational, employment, income and race that determinate personal ability and adequate health care access (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2007).Opposite, for instance health plan members in California have many rights, as to have appointment when they need one as well waiting time is limited, to have appointment with a specialist when you needed, to have continuity of care, to receive continuity of care, to receive treatment for certain mental health conditions, second doctors opinion, to know why your insurance plan denies a service or treatment, the right to understand your health problems and treatments, to see writhen diagnosis, to be informed consent when you have a treatment, the right to file a complaint and ask for an independent medical review, right to choose your own doctor, the right to language services, the right to see medical reports and keep your medical information private, the right to have an advanced directive est. (Department of Menaged Health Care, 2012). The Affordable Care Act The affordable care Act brings consumers back in charge of their own health care.Undress this law the â€Å"Patient’s Bill of Rights† was created and gives all the United state s of America’s people the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their own health: * Provides coverage to Americans with pre-existing conditions * Protects your choice of doctors * Ends lifetime limits on coverage * Ends pre-existing condition exclusions for children * Ends arbitrary withdrawals of insurance coverage * Reviews premium increases * Helps you get the most from your premium dollars * Restricts annual dollar limits on coverage * Removes insurance company barriers to emergency services In the frame of health care law after the Patient’s Bill of Rights was adopted, the Affordable Care Act in regards â€Å"has provided additional rights and rotections† as preventive care at no cost to you and as well guarantees your right to appeal (U. S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2012). Furthermore the Affordable care act will frame individuals, families and business owners in control regarding their health care. Working familie s and working families will reduce their premium costs providing tax relief as of billions of dollars, which one will represent the largest middle class tax health cut in the United States. From the other side noninsured Americans will have the option to choose health insurance that best works or them in a new open and competitive market (U. S. Department of Health & Human Services, n. d. Unfortunately, today huge gaps remain between poor and rich countries, has been widened mainly in Africa what is not case with the wealthy nations, income inequality has been increased for instance worldwide one billion people live on less than one dollar a day and New York city will remain one of the â€Å"world’s wealthiest cities, but its south neighborhood is one of the nation’s poorest communities† and health care even available is not applicable. Based on this â€Å"public health workers incorrectly† will use the word disparity as a synonym for poverty and a the sa me time they will establish link the disparities in regards health care availability between rich and poor, White and non-White, native or foreign born, and so on (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2006).Keeping in mind that most countries around the world decided that health care is a right instead of privilege the congress session in 2011 immediately will vote to repeal the healthcare reform bill where the reforms will came to the question: â€Å"Is health care a right or privilege? † (John L. Marshall MD, 2011) References: National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2001, June). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Justice and the right to a decent minimum of healthcare: http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/11890080 National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2006, December). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Health for All in the 21st Century: http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1698153/ National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2007, March 2 8).Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Healthcare access as a right, not a privilege: a construct of Western thought: http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/17391522 Department of Menaged Health Care. (2012). Retrieved April 6, 2013, from Health Care Rights : http://www. dmhc. ca. gov/dmhc_consumer/br/br_rights. aspx U. S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2012, February 6). Retrieved April 8, 2013, from Patient's Bill of Rights: http://www. healthcare. gov/law/features/rights/bill-of-rights/ World Health Organization. (2013). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Human rights: http://www. who. int/topics/human_rights/en/ John L. Marshall MD. (2011, February 3). Medscape. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Is Healthcare a Right or a Privilege? http://www. medscape. com/viewarticle/736705 National Partnership for Action. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Health Equity ; Disparities: http://www. minorityhealth. hhs. gov/npa/templates/browse. aspx? lvl=1;lvlid=34 U. S. Department of Health ; Human Services. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from The Affordable Care Act, Section by Section: http://www. healthcare. gov/law/full/index. html Williams, A. (2012, December 2). Is health care a right? And whose responsibility is it? The Washington Times. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from http://www. washingtontimes. com/news/2012/dec/2/williams-is-health-care-a-right-and-whose-responsi/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Torture: Human and Inescapable Frailty

In â€Å"the Abolition of Torture,† Sullivan argues that we have to ban torture in order to save America. Sullivan insists that we halt abuses on prisoners and terrorists, antithesizing his view with Krauthammer’s for most of the part in the essay. Torture is merely a brutal act of destroying a human being, a completely deplorable execution. And if America observed its favor in this vile act, there would be no more America. To start with, Sullivan says it is absurd that the Bush administration, in the name of military necessity, had permitted aggressive abuse of enemy soldiers.And the abuses in Iraq War resulted in murders of innocent captives. Before discussing the permission of torture, however, we have a severe problem failing to argue: we only swear that torture is morally wrong, before explaining why it has to deal with morality. And Sullivan clarifies it is morally wrong because torture and freedom perfectly counter each other. A human being owns the right to prot ect his or her body. Whereas U. S. Constitution exists in order to protect one’s rights, torture becomes merely against the law.If one is forced to be physically harmed, then he or she is defended by the Constitution. Human beings have â€Å"inescapable frailty† regarding bodily needs. However, torture hinders people’s autonomy, nudging them in the â€Å"inescapable frailty. † People lose their control, then; if one has lost his control over his body or mind, his state becomes â€Å"subhuman. † The Western Freedom was based on the duty to save a victim’s soul. The victim’s body would be damaged, but a lesson was always learned. But today, people are losing their souls as well as bodies.A notion has suddenly been established that in a few cases, we can accept inhumane treatments on whom Krauthammer call are â€Å"so depraved† that they deserve those treatments. Krauthammer says the depraved are so subhuman to be categorized as m onsters. But Sullivan says monsters are still humans, if they have murdered numberless innocent civilians. Humans are responsible for what they have done, a fact which is not applied to animals. Then, humans are not monsters. Moreover, Krauthammer’s excuses are simple hypotheses that rarely happen in the real world.Krauthammer has put three extraordinary events into one scenario and gives a pathetic shot to convince people. If the scenario became a true story, then Sullivan would concede the legalization of torture; the scenario has a chance of about 0. 01% to become true, though. Besides, Krauthammer has not recognized how risky the accessibility of torture will be. Even if abuse were fit in only particular circumstances, torture would be a common scene, because it tends to proliferate. If one abuses another, others will learn by seeing them, and exercise torture.Then, the only means to control torture will be declaring torture to be illegal. Another point does Sullivan oppo se Krauthammer’s idea. Krauthammer claims that torture brings about untrustworthy information. When a captive gets tired of being tortured, to survive, he will spit any words whether they are true or not. Then, such information becomes an option. Sullivan criticizes Krauthammer’s attitude toward this problem, because people torture a person to be classified as subhuman and still get nothing tangible or accurate.After correcting Krauthammer’s perspective, Sullivan provides us a solution. If we look forward to other techniques of extracting information than torture, a vast number of them are awaiting. But, before keeping our eyes on the techniques, we have to give up on our tyrannical behaviors favoring torture. If we remove totalitarian aspects on our faces, we can save America, preserving its fundamental values. However, if we do not completely wipe that violent speck, America will succumb to self-destruction.