Thursday, October 31, 2019

Response Journal to the novel The Cashier by Gabrielle Roy Essay

Response Journal to the novel The Cashier by Gabrielle Roy - Essay Example People begin to anticipate and this anticipation, when added with a sprinkling of skepticism, results to overreaction. Overreaction is more than what Alexandre displayed. Even when he is supposed to be having a normal life, though not one that is grandeur, he reminds himself of the worse facets of life and disregards that he still lives and breathes. For him life is a constant reminder of how everyone in the world must be prepared in war. In fact, he has been informed through encyclopedias that the global community each has their own take on war and the armaments that go with it. Although this thought does not comfort him, he believes that everyone must feel the same—that everyone should have be prepared for the changes of life. The actor has the habit of spending most of his moments thinking about the most trivial things and then instantly shifts to another course that is entirely different. The randomness of his take on the things that are happening all over the world is a manifestation of the mantra that he believes has happened to him. As time goes by, life has taken the best of him. â€Å"During his life he had lost a great number of things, and almost always the best things – first his youth, and then his health, and now his sleep (Roy, 1954).† Obviously, this included his sanity. Although it cannot be said that he is becoming insane, it can be concluded that his inability to focus on a specific matter without drifting to another stream of thoughts completely unrelated marks the beginning of his insanity. His thoughts begin with trivial, common thoughts characteristic of someone who lacks enough sleep and is distraught by how life has shown its cruel side. He has been under the roughest conditions, without decent clothes to live by and a partner who cannot think about important things. Indeed some of his thoughts are very profound, considering that he

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Analisys of demand and supply affecting Shell Oil Coursework

Analisys of demand and supply affecting Shell Oil - Coursework Example The effects of changes in the price and availability of gods and services, which serve as complements to oil have had a great impact on the demand for Shell’s products. A good is as a complement when a rise in its price results to a negative shift in the demand curve for the good of interest. The rise in the maintenance costs has placed tremendous pressure on the demand for oil and affecting the price for the company’s products. The price fall in shares for other industries that heavily rely on oil has had a great impact on demand for oil. The reduced profitability and price wars among companies such as Tesco, J Sainsbury, and Marks Spenser reduces the demand for Shell’s products. Increase in price of engineering tools used in processing and extraction of oil have had a negative impact on the demand for oil (Mason, 2011). Shell can increase the price for its products and services to cover higher overhead costs. A substitute good or service is as a substitute when an increase in its price results into a positive shift in the demand for good or service of interest (Cherunilam, 2007). The increase in the availability of alternative fuel sources such as solar energy has a negative impact on the demand for oil. ... The demand for Shell’s products is price sensitive (elastic) since a reduction in the price for Shell petrol will automatically result into an increase in demand. In the case of Shell’s products and services, the percentage change in demand is greater than the change in price. The effects of 2008 economic crisis have had negative impacts on the available income to most people in the UK and the rest of the world. This results into decreased availability of disposable income thereby lowering the demand for products and services (Kotler, 2006). An increase in the level of income can result in increased demand for Shell’s products as people start spending more on luxuries such as travelling longer distances using private cars. This will result into increased demand for fuel. Changes in the company’s operations can have remarkable impacts on the supply curve. The increase in cost of oil extraction due to the effects of economic recession is likely to lead to a shift in Shell’s supply curve. The cost of the refinery is a vital factor that causes a shift in the supply curve. The high cost of production has resulted into less supply and consequently fewer profits (Tanne & Raymond, 2010). The increase in the number of the company’s own retail outlets is playing a major role in increasing the company’s global presence. This results into positive shift in the supply curve. Market failures and imperfections An externality is an impact resulting because of an economic activity that affects unrelated third parties (Maidment, 2002). An example of an externality is the recent Shell’s oil spill in Niger Delta, which affected the surrounding environment and affected the health and economic life of the nearby residents. An externality can

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sector Analysis of the Nigerian Clothing Market

Sector Analysis of the Nigerian Clothing Market INTRODUCTION This section of the report is divided into segments and Im going to look into the sector analysis of the Nigerian clothing market through online databases, company reports, magazines, journal and newsletters. Kotler Gartner (2002) claim that PEST analysis is a functional considered tool for understanding market growth or decline, industry position, potential and direction for operations. In this report PEST analysis of the macro environment will be carried out to explore the factors that influence company policies; and Porters five forces will be used to understand the competitive environment of the industry. PEST analysis illustrate the political issues of a country which has to do the rules and regulation governing; economic forces which encompass the bargaining power and consumer purchasing patterns, interest rates and taxes. Next is technology which comprises of product development, innovation and inventions in the industry, online advert and new distribution methods. Finally social forces consist of change in life style, religion, fashion and roles models. Macro-environment This consists of the companys business suppliers, market intermediaries, buyer markets, competitors and the public (Kotler 2004.p:107). The most general layers of these environments are industry or sector and organisation which are again referred to as macro-environment. Thus, this consists of broad environmental factors that impact to a greater or lesser extent on an organisation. It is important to build up an understanding of how changes in the macro environment are likely to impact on a sector. These symbolize the uncontrollable factors of a business and how these factors (PEST) affect the Nigerian clothing industry is discussed below. Political Force Political forces play a vital role in business and it can be refer to the total sum of political, consumer protection, environmental regulations, employment law, competitive regulations, political trends, legal and regulatory forces which are enforced by the courts and regulatory agencies and are capable of controlling a companys marketing decisions and strategies (Dibb S. et al 1997). In Nigeria precisely, there are three main forces that make up the political environment and they are: Executive branch, legislative branch and judicial branch. It is necessary and mandatory for an organisation to stick to political rules and regulation governing their day to day business activities of the country (Brassington F. 2006) Nigeria today has an extended list of prohibited items. According to Business day (2009), Nigerian has up to 80 banned items in its prohibition list while countries like Sierra Leone, Congo and Guinea have none. Furthermore, Senegal has 4, Ghana 19, Republic of Benin 10, Cameroon 13 and Gambia 1. In Nigerias import prohibition list items such as sugar, sweet, soap, fruit juice, textile fabrics, shoes, tooth paste, envelopes, mosquito nets and biscuits. This is in short supply apparently because of inadequate capacity accounted for by the harsh operating environment. In the case of textiles, the most strong of them all, Nigerian had over 120 textile factories in 1980 and this period was refer to as the era of textile boom in Nigerian. But recently the figure has dropped to 45 as a result of productive capacity of the sector which is so low to the point that about 90 percent of textiles/fabrics needs of the country are being fed through importation (Business day 2009). According to the (Mail and Guardian 2009), Anyanwu, founder of the Ogodo label, said the industry began stirring only when Olusegun Obasanjo banned importation of foreign clothes in the late 1990s. Anyanwu further stressed that, this forced designers to look inwards and discovered their capabilities, and that the company Ogodo, meaning Igbo for clothing of â€Å"good quality† was founded and premiered at Nigerias fashion week in 2006 (mail and guardian 2009). The Nigerian government has banned the importation of printed fabric/textile products from entering into the country in other to guard its own ailing industries in Nigeria (BBC 2002). In spite of the outlaw on importation of fabric or clothing by the Nigerian government ever since the new democratic dispensation, there is still an increase in the purchase of foreign products like clothing by Nigerian consumers. Furthermore the law was implemented to enable the local industries to thrive in the very competitive clothing market and to discard increasing demand of foreign goods in the Nigerian market (BBC 2002). The Nigerian market is proliferated with the importation of foreign labels which already have global recognition, Okechukwu (1999). Importation of clothing goods into Nigeria often poses threat to the local manufacturers whose products are relatively unidentified in the country. However, there is no efficient regulatory body that governs designers. In the West and Southern part of Africa, stakeholders in any specialized industry form regulatory bodies whose primary tasks include: providing resources for members, engaging in public guidance principle and governmental relations with the regulation of makers of clothes, and establishing suitable industry practices to stay competitive both locally and abroad. Although, banning the importation of textiles/fabrics was meant to provide leverage for Nigeria in its dealings with its trading partners. In fact, the 1977 ban, for example, was the result of what the government deemed a self-sufficient Clothing and Textile industry. The government, arguably, got it right. As of 1980, Nigeria was ranked the third largest textile industry in Africa after Egypt and South Africa (Uduak 2009). Enforcing increased of government regulation in the Nigeria economy today, the rising price of oil, communication advancements and travel options have all led towards a growing market for brand names products in Nigeria. Moreover clothes is a prime product since it was geared toward customers in third world country where the per capital income was extremely low. From the continent of Africa, there was a war in Abeokuta, involving the Yorubas in western Nigeria. This war was the result of them [Yoruba] rejecting to wear items brought from the British Colonists and their preference to locally made Nigerian clothes and Yoruba outfits with the reason that it represented their culture and custom (Jean 2004:p.256). Bayfield cited in Jean (2004) argues that their act visibly illustrated to colonial authorities those elite were not only setting themselves apart from colonial authorities and values but also showing commitment both political and cultural to being Yoruba. Precisely, in Yoruba community, the types and quality of clothes they wear are significant and a Yoruba wardrobe includes imported textiles, Such as velvet and locally woven (Jean 2004:p.256). Economic force It is important for every firm to know the economy of the country were they operate in other for the business to expand. The factor of Economic forces make up marketing environment and it consists of issues ranging from effects of the present day economic situation in a country which are caused by the forces of buying power, consumption, supply and demand, and spending patterns. The factors mentioned determine the success and growth of any organisations marketing strategies but which are uncontrollable by the organisation (Dibb S. et al 1997). The Nigerian economy has been experiencing growth for the past 10 years which has brought light to Nigerian (GMID 2005). The Nigerian consumers are becoming fashion conscious due to the new fashion trends and development in the society today. A majority of adult and middle-aged consumers have developed tastes which are comparable to those of their counterparts in developed countries, as a result of the advent of satellite communication and internet which has further made the diffusion of information and knowledge easy to reach out to the Nigerian population. This reason partly accounts for the elevated spending on clothing as indicated in a study that was carried out by (GMID 2005). Again, GMIDs study in 2005 about the Nigerian consumers spending pattern revealed that a greater proportion of their total income is spent on clothing, which is ranked third, (5.36%) after food and shelter with 56.42% and 8.89% respectively. Realistically, Nigerian [locally] made clothes are cheaper as opposed to the imported ones as the cost of labour is comparatively low and the materials used are internal. Also, considering the cost of importing foreign good, and its associated duties at the countrys ports undoubtedly makes foreign goods including clothing deer to that of the traditionally made ones. One important factor which could influence the consumption pattern of the Nigerian consumers in the clothing industry is the income levels. As a developing country, with a per capita of $2,300 (Siakhenn, 2008), coupled with the current global economic crises, which has crippled employment, and making more redundant, Nigerian consumers might be Sceptical about spending, especially on more fashionable cloths, but which will be affected the most, local or imported? The Nigeria financial system is based on crude oil, agriculture and trades due to the transformation of colonial rules in late 19th century. The necessitate to pay taxes to the colonial government forced Nigerian farmers to restore food-producing crops with cash-producing crops, the Nigerian government decided to reduce their prices in other to resolve profit. Although the Nigerian petroleum industry developed in 1960 and 1970 has brought a massive increased exporting agriculture products, infrastructure, earnings, social service and huge investment in industry. In respect of this situation many large investments often joint venture with private corporations. The Nigerian gross domestic product was improving in 2007 with $165 billion. In respectively the gross domestic product has a wide range, most times depending on the oil market at that period because it varies like in 1985 it was $81 billion, $33.2 billion in 1994, $40.5 billion in 1995 this was increasing yearly and the total GDP per capital was $1,118.20 which was among the lowest in the world. The less privileged experience hard slap due to the Nigeria economic problems and importation of goods were expensive (Stock 2009). Company in Nigeria today are expending due to the fact that Nigerian consumer now patronize locally made clothes, this clothes are relative cheap and affordable which have good values for money, In respect of this the Nigeria consumer barging power of consumer have increase over time. Furthermore, the interest rate has an effect on different magnitude on each of the monetary total. Examples if there are high interest rates in different country of origin it will affect the Nigeria economic and price rates of product will be expensive, due to the fact that these goods are imported into Nigeria. Social force Social force is very necessary in business and it encompasses factors like culture, customer demographics, attitudes and how opinions are being formed (Brassington F. 2006). Thus, this social force has help marketer to study consumer buying pattern, motivation and consumer behaviour. In Nigeria Clothing symbolizes religious affiliation, in spite of the Nigerian limited disposable income; consumers are able to spend most of their income on amusement, holiday and fashion which are the things that are significant to working class. At this phase of their lives, they have no responsibilities and little or no savings. Thus, they can consequently spend all the income they earn. The young adults group in Nigeria has a relatively low purchasing power because most of them are just starting-off on their own. As a result, they tend to spend their income on more tangible goods such as cars, apartments and clothes. Though they are mindful of fashion, they are more conscious spenders than the studying age consumers. The middle-aged adults have higher purchasing power as they are more established in their careers and have attained some level of financial success. This group consequently are able to afford more luxurious clothing items (GMID 2007). These classifications will be u seful for evaluating the discrepancies between the various age segments. Generally in African fashion it is well known and it is treated more like as a cultural experience. The Nigerian society has frowned on fashion design as a serious profession. In reality norms and attitudes reveal a degrading â€Å"you cant be serious† attitude towards fashion. Clothing industrial in Nigerian society is blooming especially foreign label clothes because it differentiates the rich from the poor, due to the exposure of the western culture most consumers that go to other country of origin for schooling, working or business preferred their lifestyles and the ways they dress because it makes them expose (GMID 2007) The consumers buying pattern has change over time, they younger adults in Nigeria prefer to wear be best outfit and latest shoes due to the kinds of events and occasion they are attending, this reasons usually influence younger consumer to purchase. Furthermore most of the consumers in Nigeria are being influence by lifestyle trends and role models because in the society there are always news trends and development, this consumer want to meet up to standard by dress according to roles models. Technological Technology plays vital roles in an organisation and it is constant to change in nature, it is necessary for and establishment to follow the trends of technology so that the organisation will not be lacking behind. Technology has being so benefits to firms it terms of advertising, innovation processes and quality control. Technology has helped the fashion industry to improve tremendously. Since 1960 the Nigerian internet sector has suffered delay by the countries immature infrastructure, but recently things are changing as rivalry intensifies and new internet technology has been able to convey wireless broadband access across different state in Nigerian. Thus, Nigeria has experienced a large increase in Internet and broadband use over the past 10 years. And Improvements in technology has made broadband more available and faster through the use of communication industrial like mobile telecommunication network MTN, Nigerian mobile communication M-Tel and Globacom Glo which has increase the use of information search engines and has made it easier for consumers to search through different web sites and this makes it easier to reach customers as well as making it easier for customer to access competition. Therefore the technology has improved and the system and usage of communication in Nigeria. Statistics show that in 2000 the estimate population of Nigeria was 142,895,600 but the internet users were only 200,000. In the year 2006 there was a vast increase on internet usage and population growth in Nigerian. Thus, the population was 159,404,137 and the internet users rose to 5,000,000 (GMID 2005) which was a huge development. Technology is fast improving in the Nigerian economic with the effect of broad brand and wireless internet various purchase has being made and customer has also use this median to check what is happening in the fashion industrial and the new fashion trends. Furthermore companies like Collectibles in the fashion industry of Nigeria have been able to use the internet technology to publicize and advertise their different brands of Nigerian products and this has created awareness in the country. Thus, various consumer has made has made order for different verity of clothes through online because it is ease to access. Majority of the fashion industrial in Nigeria has an online shop in other to prevent query and crowd. An examples like during sales in Nigeria most consumer purchase their product online in other to reduce querying up in shop. Moreover, the impart of technology to the society of Nigerian has help the fashion industrials and other business in the countries in term of high volumes of production rates which has made establishment to grow and also companies has use the median of technology to advertise their various goods and service to the public which has created awareness and high volumes of sales. Thus, the impart of technology has made industrial to know the numbers of manpower to employ and be utilize per day. Competitive Environment The clothing Industries in Nigerian are faced with lot of competition. There are a lot of locally made fabrics that are popular in the market and also other retail sellers travel outside Nigeria to other countries to like china to shop. This is because they can get cheaper goods and other option when they come back they make their products cheap, affordable and enlighten in order to satisfy customer needs and wants. Thus, Nigeria likes fashion and there are lots of boutiques in the country meaning competition is quite high, though the quality of these goods does not match that of Collectibles the best fashion industry in Nigeria. Abe is huge market in Nigeria which is known for fashionable clothes outfits and accessories their product are usually called â€Å"Made in Nigeria goods†. In Nigeria, the community of Abe everyone has a sewing machine which the used in sewing clothing and consumer patronize them. A lot of shops in Nigeria get their clothing items from Abe, which is a local fashion market in Nigeria and they resell them in the other shops, these are Nigerian made clothes. There are also a large range of bigger Fashion outlets which has various branches across Nigeria such as Collectibles, Marbella culture, Charlotte Andrews collection, Bibis couture, De javu essence, Dee top choice, Wranglers and yeside fashion store. This means the level of competition in the fashion industry in Nigeria is very high. In analysing the competitive environment of clothing industry, Porters Five Forces model will be used. This model will help us have a better understanding of the competitive environment because the Porters five forces model does not just agree that competition is about direct competitors but it encompasses the entire possibility of all future indirect competitors (Brassington F 2006). Which are based on five factors and they include intensity of rivalry, new entrants, suppliers, buyers and substitutes (Jobber 2007). Intensity of rivalry in the Nigerian clothing sector In traditional economic model, Competition among rival firms drives profit to zero. The intensity of rivalry is a necessary factor when analysing the competitive environment because it deal with number of factors that companies have to understand before going into the industry for business and they include: structure of the competition, structure of costs, degree of differentiation, switching costs, strategic objectives and exit barriers. This made firms strive for competitive advantages over their rivals and this can be achieved through creation of relationships between quality, supplier and clothing industry. The intensity of the rivalry in the clothing sector in Nigeria market is really fierce. As theres free movement of goods to Nigeria from the African union, and also with the influx of Asian clothing shops, the competition for market share is intense (GMID2008). Collectibles has a number of rivals in clothing sector like Yeside fashion, Marbella culture, Charlotte Andrews collection, and De javu essence. Wranglers are seemed to be in serious competition with collectibles fashion industry. A wrangler has been able to attract consumers by creating its own brand clothing labels and stylish shoes which collectible has taken the lead in it. Through this median companies are obeying the laws passed on them by the government. This has increased the intensity of rivalry in the industry because most of the company are working towards common goals to become a market leader. Threat of new entrants New entrants in business have a way of raising the level of competition in a particular industry and in turn reduce its attractiveness. When an industry has too many companies competing against each other, this can be the reason for its unattractiveness and this can be as a result of the low entry barriers that some industries have which makes entry easy (Jobber D. 2004). Furthermore, Kotler 2004 in his writing stated that new entrants to industry bring new capacity and new ideas, the aspiration to gain market share. As a result of this the new entrants in industry the competition will be the higher and this could change major determents market environment like price, customer loyalty and market share. Furthermore, within the Nigerian clothing market, the possibility existing or new laws restricting new entrants seems bleak especially with current globalisation and the African Union enabling free movement of goods. Aside from external forces, there is also possibility that local investors will invade the clothing market, due to the lucrative nature of the sector (the collectible fashion). This is well explained by the rapid growth of Chinese products in Africa and more importantly, in Nigeria. A BBC (2005) article titled â€Å"should Africa embrace china†, confirmed that developing countries are gradually becoming the real victims of Chinas economic progress with goods, especially clothing, being imported into counties including Nigeria. Collectible has a strong attendance in the Nigeria market and has gained the attention of large population of Nigeria consumer which make it very difficult for new entrants to break into. Threat of substitute products According to five porters models substitute refer to products in other industrials and when an establishment has lot of substitutes it makes it unappealing to the consumer because they can easily switches from one product to another. The main factor behind substitutes in clothing market is the price and the style. Majority of consumer are attracted and motivated by the price of the products in the shops because most of the shops frequently have offers and sales promotions on products which attracts customers. The current price war among various shops in Nigeria has left smaller retailers having a difficulty in setting prices to be as low as leading retailers like collectible. Most shoppers are motivated by price and will substitute their regular shop for the next which offers a more attractive price list. The free entry and exit within the Nigerian clothing market, coupled with the greater importation of foreign clothes and the greater number of local clothes traders gives the consumer a number of choices. Threats of substitutes are really high and this has a significant impact on the prices and more importantly the power the consumer has. More substitutes mean that the customer has options, which, as noted by Porter, means that one producer cannot influence the market by ruling prices. In order to match each others competition strategies, due to the threats posed by substitutes, shop owners resort to various promotional strategies, which are normally ‘prices wars. The bargaining power of suppliers Supplier power is a reflection of buyer power and it represent a vital roles in industry competitive environment because if the bargaining power of suppliers is high then this will have an effect on the firms profitability this is as a result of increase the in cost of raw materials and subsequently the cost of finished products(Jobber D. 2004). Clothing market are increasing the standard of quality on their products which they get from suppliers and this has affected the relationship between retail companies and their various suppliers who have not been able to keep up with the new quality standard they require. The bargaining power of suppliers in Nigeria is really low. As noted by Porter (1979) when the bargain power of the suppliers is high, prices go up. This is the opposite of the Nigerian clothing sector. This is because though suppliers may be limited in number; most clothing retailers have their own manufacturers which are an integral part of their business. Thus most retailers use own brand/label, and this further echoes why the customers have such a high bargain power. Buyers According kippenberger (1998) states that it is often useful to distinguish potential buyer power from the buyers willingness or incentive to use that power, willingness that derives mainly from the â€Å"risk of failure† associated with a products use. Thus, Buyers refer to customer who patronise an organization and usually have more buyers bargaining power. (Lynch 2006). The size and concentration of customer is very vital and also buyer powers are very necessary because it influence the factor in clothing market as a result of high level of substitution of retailers. With the huge daily influx of clothes as explained above from overseas and with the existence of locally made ones, the bargain power of the Nigerian customer is really high. This is again backed by the fact that the number of choices available to the customers tends to drive the cost of clothes down in the country. Conclusion of sector analysis The sector analysis comprises of pest analysis and porters five forces theory which been use in this framework and it has help to analyses the Nigerian clothing market and also able to check the barriers and limitation of the market. In this analysis, secondary data was used to find out more information of the industrial and the perception of consumers towards foreign and locally made clothes which has giving the research more ideas to carried on to the next chapter which is the literature review.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Fencing Problem - Mathematics :: Math Coursework Mathematics

The Fencing Problem Introduction ============ I have been given 1000 meters of fencing and my aim is to find out the maximum area inside. ====================================================================== Prediction ---------- I would predict that the more sides the shape has, then possibly the bigger the area it will have, although I have nothing to base this on, it will be what I am about to investigate. Shapes: I am going to start with the rectangle, I think this is a good starting block because I am able to vary the widths and lengths to see which has the bigger area. If I discover that the rectangles with equal sides i.e. square bring me the best result, then I will try to direct my investigation into furthering that particular theory. Rectangles ---------- [IMAGE] Area = 40 000 m2 ================ [IMAGE] Area = 60 000 m2 [IMAGE] Area = 62 500 m2 It appears that the square shape has a bigger area, I would possibly say that this is because the square has two bigger numbers, which are multiplied together to give a greater number than when a big number is multiplied with a smaller number. However, I cannot take this for granted and I think using one more shape will be useful in order to back up my theory. [IMAGE] Area = 52 500m This proves my theory regarding squares and I shall now put my results into a graph to show what I have found. Length (m) Width (m) Area (m) 400 100 40 000 300 200 60 000 250 250 62 500 150 350 52 500 I will now further my investigation by looking at shapes of a different nature: [IMAGE] Regular Pentagon ---------------- The regular pentagon has 5 sides, and as we get 1000m of fencing, this means each side will be 200m (1000Â ¸5=200).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Health Care Provider

A. S. Course: Health Policy $ Ethics in Public Health April 8, 2013 Health care as a right or privilege Our moral duty is to take care of each human been regardless the cost. There is nothing more valuable that we possess rather than our health as well there is nothing that should be more costly and more protected then life itself.On the question â€Å"whose responsibility is to protect† our personal health, the right answer, about the individual or society responsibility most probably â€Å"lies somewhere between† those choices, furthermore by having healthy basis each of the society from one side and society from the other side as well should â€Å"have something to gain†.Neither of individuals or society should expect that the other should take on whole responsibly, therefore individuals should take at least some responsibility, as well society will serve as a â€Å"safety net†. (Williams, 2012). Over the time, taking care for people who are unable to a llow themselves a health care was based on charity, compassion, benevolence rather than some principle of ethics or justice.Within United States of America and mainly industrialized countries, the â€Å"primary barrier to health care† is related without appropriate â€Å"insurance reimbursement† (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2001) The constitution of World health Organization at the time will be the first international step to ensure the highest enjoyment health standards settle them up as fundamental and necessary right for every human being as (â€Å"the right of health†), those international human rights as a set of social—norms, laws, institutions based on agreements that secure the right of health enjoyment.Furthermore every world country is a part of at least â€Å"one human rights treaty† that involves health related rights as well this one will include and health necessary conditions (World Health Organization, 2013). Comm on set of goals, and objectives for both private and public sector partnerships actions to help ethnic, and racial minorities will be provided by the national stakeholders Strategy for Achieving Health Equality under whose umbrella will be covered incorporates ideas, suggestions and comments from â€Å"thousands individuals and organizations, country wide.National Partnership for Action will state: â€Å"Health equity is attainment of the highest level of health for all people† (National Partnership for Action, n. d. ) Furthermore, across United States 45 million citizens reaming uninsured, borderline or underinsured. The ones who are living in â€Å"poverty† are experiencing the worst health status, keeping in mind several important factors as educational, employment, income and race that determinate personal ability and adequate health care access (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2007).Opposite, for instance health plan members in California have many rights, as to have appointment when they need one as well waiting time is limited, to have appointment with a specialist when you needed, to have continuity of care, to receive continuity of care, to receive treatment for certain mental health conditions, second doctors opinion, to know why your insurance plan denies a service or treatment, the right to understand your health problems and treatments, to see writhen diagnosis, to be informed consent when you have a treatment, the right to file a complaint and ask for an independent medical review, right to choose your own doctor, the right to language services, the right to see medical reports and keep your medical information private, the right to have an advanced directive est. (Department of Menaged Health Care, 2012). The Affordable Care Act The affordable care Act brings consumers back in charge of their own health care.Undress this law the â€Å"Patient’s Bill of Rights† was created and gives all the United state s of America’s people the stability and flexibility they need to make informed choices about their own health: * Provides coverage to Americans with pre-existing conditions * Protects your choice of doctors * Ends lifetime limits on coverage * Ends pre-existing condition exclusions for children * Ends arbitrary withdrawals of insurance coverage * Reviews premium increases * Helps you get the most from your premium dollars * Restricts annual dollar limits on coverage * Removes insurance company barriers to emergency services In the frame of health care law after the Patient’s Bill of Rights was adopted, the Affordable Care Act in regards â€Å"has provided additional rights and rotections† as preventive care at no cost to you and as well guarantees your right to appeal (U. S. Department of Health & Human Services, 2012). Furthermore the Affordable care act will frame individuals, families and business owners in control regarding their health care. Working familie s and working families will reduce their premium costs providing tax relief as of billions of dollars, which one will represent the largest middle class tax health cut in the United States. From the other side noninsured Americans will have the option to choose health insurance that best works or them in a new open and competitive market (U. S. Department of Health & Human Services, n. d. Unfortunately, today huge gaps remain between poor and rich countries, has been widened mainly in Africa what is not case with the wealthy nations, income inequality has been increased for instance worldwide one billion people live on less than one dollar a day and New York city will remain one of the â€Å"world’s wealthiest cities, but its south neighborhood is one of the nation’s poorest communities† and health care even available is not applicable. Based on this â€Å"public health workers incorrectly† will use the word disparity as a synonym for poverty and a the sa me time they will establish link the disparities in regards health care availability between rich and poor, White and non-White, native or foreign born, and so on (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2006).Keeping in mind that most countries around the world decided that health care is a right instead of privilege the congress session in 2011 immediately will vote to repeal the healthcare reform bill where the reforms will came to the question: â€Å"Is health care a right or privilege? † (John L. Marshall MD, 2011) References: National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2001, June). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Justice and the right to a decent minimum of healthcare: http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/11890080 National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2006, December). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Health for All in the 21st Century: http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1698153/ National Center for Biotechnology Information. (2007, March 2 8).Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Healthcare access as a right, not a privilege: a construct of Western thought: http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pubmed/17391522 Department of Menaged Health Care. (2012). Retrieved April 6, 2013, from Health Care Rights : http://www. dmhc. ca. gov/dmhc_consumer/br/br_rights. aspx U. S. Department of Health & Human Services. (2012, February 6). Retrieved April 8, 2013, from Patient's Bill of Rights: http://www. healthcare. gov/law/features/rights/bill-of-rights/ World Health Organization. (2013). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Human rights: http://www. who. int/topics/human_rights/en/ John L. Marshall MD. (2011, February 3). Medscape. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Is Healthcare a Right or a Privilege? http://www. medscape. com/viewarticle/736705 National Partnership for Action. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Health Equity ; Disparities: http://www. minorityhealth. hhs. gov/npa/templates/browse. aspx? lvl=1;lvlid=34 U. S. Department of Health ; Human Services. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from The Affordable Care Act, Section by Section: http://www. healthcare. gov/law/full/index. html Williams, A. (2012, December 2). Is health care a right? And whose responsibility is it? The Washington Times. Retrieved April 7, 2013, from http://www. washingtontimes. com/news/2012/dec/2/williams-is-health-care-a-right-and-whose-responsi/

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Torture: Human and Inescapable Frailty

In â€Å"the Abolition of Torture,† Sullivan argues that we have to ban torture in order to save America. Sullivan insists that we halt abuses on prisoners and terrorists, antithesizing his view with Krauthammer’s for most of the part in the essay. Torture is merely a brutal act of destroying a human being, a completely deplorable execution. And if America observed its favor in this vile act, there would be no more America. To start with, Sullivan says it is absurd that the Bush administration, in the name of military necessity, had permitted aggressive abuse of enemy soldiers.And the abuses in Iraq War resulted in murders of innocent captives. Before discussing the permission of torture, however, we have a severe problem failing to argue: we only swear that torture is morally wrong, before explaining why it has to deal with morality. And Sullivan clarifies it is morally wrong because torture and freedom perfectly counter each other. A human being owns the right to prot ect his or her body. Whereas U. S. Constitution exists in order to protect one’s rights, torture becomes merely against the law.If one is forced to be physically harmed, then he or she is defended by the Constitution. Human beings have â€Å"inescapable frailty† regarding bodily needs. However, torture hinders people’s autonomy, nudging them in the â€Å"inescapable frailty. † People lose their control, then; if one has lost his control over his body or mind, his state becomes â€Å"subhuman. † The Western Freedom was based on the duty to save a victim’s soul. The victim’s body would be damaged, but a lesson was always learned. But today, people are losing their souls as well as bodies.A notion has suddenly been established that in a few cases, we can accept inhumane treatments on whom Krauthammer call are â€Å"so depraved† that they deserve those treatments. Krauthammer says the depraved are so subhuman to be categorized as m onsters. But Sullivan says monsters are still humans, if they have murdered numberless innocent civilians. Humans are responsible for what they have done, a fact which is not applied to animals. Then, humans are not monsters. Moreover, Krauthammer’s excuses are simple hypotheses that rarely happen in the real world.Krauthammer has put three extraordinary events into one scenario and gives a pathetic shot to convince people. If the scenario became a true story, then Sullivan would concede the legalization of torture; the scenario has a chance of about 0. 01% to become true, though. Besides, Krauthammer has not recognized how risky the accessibility of torture will be. Even if abuse were fit in only particular circumstances, torture would be a common scene, because it tends to proliferate. If one abuses another, others will learn by seeing them, and exercise torture.Then, the only means to control torture will be declaring torture to be illegal. Another point does Sullivan oppo se Krauthammer’s idea. Krauthammer claims that torture brings about untrustworthy information. When a captive gets tired of being tortured, to survive, he will spit any words whether they are true or not. Then, such information becomes an option. Sullivan criticizes Krauthammer’s attitude toward this problem, because people torture a person to be classified as subhuman and still get nothing tangible or accurate.After correcting Krauthammer’s perspective, Sullivan provides us a solution. If we look forward to other techniques of extracting information than torture, a vast number of them are awaiting. But, before keeping our eyes on the techniques, we have to give up on our tyrannical behaviors favoring torture. If we remove totalitarian aspects on our faces, we can save America, preserving its fundamental values. However, if we do not completely wipe that violent speck, America will succumb to self-destruction.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

America Under Attack

America Under Attack America Under Attack On September 11, 2001 the streets of New York were soaked in ash, streams of tears fled down peoples cheeks, and the courageous fought the waves of flames. Over 5,000 innocent American citizens were killed at the hands of terrorist. Children were left orphaned; spouses were left widowed tearing families apart forever. Our country united trying to put the pieces of the puzzle back together. No longer can the people of New York sleep soundly, their eyes are forever haunted with terror, and their hearts are filled with grief. Do we deserve to live in this constant state of fear? America is under attack. We must regain our respect, and avenge those who have crossed the line we have drawn. We must go in and win the war against terrorism, and retaliate against those who have caused such heartache on our nation. "This enemy attacked not just our people, but all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world." United States(BBC News par.3) America has been fighting aga inst the war of terrorism for quiet some time. An incident, which is forever haunted in our hearts, took place on December 7, 1941. "Over 2,400 American soldiers lives were taken from them." (History par. 1) A terrorist attack was made on Pearl Harbor, killing those who fought for our security. The World Trade Center has been threatened before, taking once again innocent lives, placing more anxiety and fear in our lives. It has been proven that the only way to show that America is serious when it comes to its people is to take control, and go to the extremes. The acts or retaliation on Hiroshima displayed that America is willing stand up to any terrorist attack, to protect us, the people of the United States."Many of today's tyrants are gripped by...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Ernest Hemingway

The short story by Ernest Hemingway, â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro† in about, man, Harry, who is on vacation with his wife, Helen, and unfortunately struck with gangrene. When the disease starts to spread trough his body, Harry begins to reflect on his life. Hemmingway expresses the theme that most humans should have some respect for one another, as well as respect for themselves, because they way people treat each other plays a major in their death; plus, be aware that death can come at any given moment. Since Harry completely failed to secure a past love in his life, he attempts to recapture that flame and also try to fill the void by disrespecting some people and stealing another man’s women. When Harry is in Paris, he goes to a bar and picks up on women and then decided that he is unsatisfied with this woman and steals a different woman from a British solider. â€Å"And that night missing her so much it made him feel hollow sick inside, he wandered up past Maxim’s, to pick girl up and took her out to dinner’ (13). So Harry is totally sad and depressed with the fact that his one true love is gone and tries to fill that empty space in his life with some random women he comes across of the streets. But when he was on this date with this women he was not satisfied with this women so he feels it is important to steal another mans female. ‘He gone to the place to dance with her afterward, she danced badly, and left her for an Armenian slut that swung her b elly against him so it almost scalded. He took her away from a British gunner† (13). Even through Harry can get any women he chooses, he also craves other men’s property. â€Å"Harry’s thoughts are not merely of personal loss, but are also the and losses he has witnessed in the lives of others, even in the lives of nations. Thus, his vision pf life is a universal one and hence is a significant comment on life not jus a personal petulance† (Meyers pg. 19). Harry attempts ... Free Essays on Ernest Hemingway Free Essays on Ernest Hemingway There are many connections between Ernest Hemingway’s life and his literary works, starting with his short stories all the way up to his most famous novels. The Nick Adams stories are short stories that tell the story of Ernest Hemingway’s life. These stories consist of many things, from camping with his father, to witnessing his first birth and death. Also they include Hemingway being out on the battlefield during World War I. The Nick Adams stories sum up his life and how he lived it. Hemingway’s family was fairly normal. Hemingway’s mother, Grace Hall, tried to civilize her children. This is probably the reason why she wanted Ernest to become a musician. On the other hand, his father exposed the boys to more masculine things like hunting, fishing, and living in the woods. Hemingway’s father, Clarence Edmond, was a physician. This may be the reason he tried to convince Ernest into studying medicine. Hemingway was a man of many contradictions and of a very long-winded nature. He worked as a reported for the Kansas City Star. In 1918 during World War I, he served as a Red Cross Volunteer in Italy as an ambulance driver and canteen deliver. While driving an ambulance one-day he was seriously wounded. This suggests why his writing emphasized physical and psychological violence and a need for courage. Hemingway was very good at identifying with the common people and capturing them in their speech patterns. This is sought to be the reason why in 1921, he went to Paris. While there he met a group of American authors and became a principle spokesman for a group of disillusioned young writers called the â€Å"Lost Generation†. In 1927 when Hemingway returned to the United States, he married Pauline Pfeiffer, mother of his two younger sons. He divorced her in 1940 and married the writer, Martha Gellhorn. Hemingway wrote a series of short stories called the Nick Adams stories. These stories were written about He... Free Essays on Ernest Hemingway ERNEST MILLER HEMINGWAY Ernest Miller Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Chicago, Illinois. He was born at eight o’clock and weighed nine pounds and eight ounces and he was twenty-three inches long. His father Dr. Clarence Hemingway, he was a fervent member of the First Congregation church. Ernest was christened at this church on October first, on his parent’s third wedding anniversary. When Ernest was six years old his grandfather died. After the death of his grandfather he and his family moved to a new house. This house had three stories and eight bedrooms. Growing up in the Hemingway wasn’t easy. No one in the house was allowed to anything enjoyable on the Sabbath Day, all you could was worship God. Lashes from a razor strap or a hairbrush were the punishment for bad behavior. Ernest developed into a well-rounded young man. Everything he done had to be done right. He attended Oak Park and River Township High School. Ernest enjoyed English and received good grades, but he was uninterested in other subjects. During high school he enjoyed boxing, canoeing, and writing articles for his school newspaper. After graduation he wanted to join the services or learn to write. Ernest got a job at the Kansas City Star after high school. Ernest’s job on the star was to cover the ‘short-stop run’ this entailed the Fifteenth Street Police Station, Union Station, and General Hospital. He was trained by a manual that declared good writing. He learned that good writer didn’t ramble on about things. Before long he grew bored with news stories, and wanted to become part of the war to see some real action. The only problem was he had a deficiency in his left eye and didn’t know if he could enter the war because of this problem. Ernest learned from a fellow reporter that he could be accepted, so he applied. Ernest applied for the position of ambulance driver. A few weeks after applying he got ... Free Essays on Ernest Hemingway Discovering a Subject It’s very important to be your own person. Ernest Hemingway is an author who is known for being generally disliked amongst most teenagers. I like his writings. I had previously read For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemingway and enjoyed its wartime setting and surprise ending. Before I read any of Hemingway’s short stories I had assumed that all his stories were in wartime settings. For most of his stories this is true, but I was surprised at how many weren’t during a war. I have chosen four of Hemingway’s short pieces to analyze. After reading and taking notes on common themes and literary elements for many Hemingway stories I have decided to use â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro†, â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber†, â€Å"Soldier’s Home† and â€Å"In Another Country†. â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro† is about a man Harry, and his wife, Helen. It takes place in Africa during a hunting trip. Harry has developed gangrene from what started as a small scratch in his leg. Harry is barely alive and welcoming death at the start of the story. He soon fears death as he realizes he wants to live. When death is brought to his camp for him in the form of a hyena, he succumbs to death and dies in the end. â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber† also takes place in Africa on a Safari. The main characters are husband and wife also, Francis and Margaret. Francis has lost his pride and his wife’s affection because he was too cowardly to kill a charging Lion. Wilson, the safari guide and hunter, is left to kill the lion himself. Wilson’s occupation and courage are attractive to Margaret who then sleeps with him. Francis is aware that she has had many lovers before and this incident only tears the couple apart further. The story en ds with Francis trying to redeem his pride by chasing down a buffalo. They think he has finally killed it when it suddenly charges them again and brushes Francis on the head. At th... Free Essays on Ernest Hemingway The short story by Ernest Hemingway, â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro† in about, man, Harry, who is on vacation with his wife, Helen, and unfortunately struck with gangrene. When the disease starts to spread trough his body, Harry begins to reflect on his life. Hemmingway expresses the theme that most humans should have some respect for one another, as well as respect for themselves, because they way people treat each other plays a major in their death; plus, be aware that death can come at any given moment. Since Harry completely failed to secure a past love in his life, he attempts to recapture that flame and also try to fill the void by disrespecting some people and stealing another man’s women. When Harry is in Paris, he goes to a bar and picks up on women and then decided that he is unsatisfied with this woman and steals a different woman from a British solider. â€Å"And that night missing her so much it made him feel hollow sick inside, he wandered up past Maxim’s, to pick girl up and took her out to dinner’ (13). So Harry is totally sad and depressed with the fact that his one true love is gone and tries to fill that empty space in his life with some random women he comes across of the streets. But when he was on this date with this women he was not satisfied with this women so he feels it is important to steal another mans female. ‘He gone to the place to dance with her afterward, she danced badly, and left her for an Armenian slut that swung her b elly against him so it almost scalded. He took her away from a British gunner† (13). Even through Harry can get any women he chooses, he also craves other men’s property. â€Å"Harry’s thoughts are not merely of personal loss, but are also the and losses he has witnessed in the lives of others, even in the lives of nations. Thus, his vision pf life is a universal one and hence is a significant comment on life not jus a personal petulance† (Meyers pg. 19). Harry attempts ... Free Essays on Ernest Hemingway Ernest Hemingway lived his life to the fullest. He experienced more than any other man. Since not many people traveled as much as Ernest, Ernest shared his experiences in books. In â€Å"The Snows of Kilimanjaro†, â€Å"Hills like White Elephants†, and â€Å"In Another Country†, Ernest Hemingway uses a great deal of dialogue to help the reader identify with the characters in the story to show the reader how he perceives the situation of his experiences. In Ernest Hemingway’s short story, â€Å"In Another Country†, a man is shocked by reality when he hurt his leg in World War I. This short story is primarily described with dialogue between the wounded man and other injured patience in the hospital. The short story takes place in Milan, Italy, in the middle of winter, during World War I. The events in â€Å"In Another Country†, that are discussed relate to Ernest’s experiences as a Red Cross ambulance driver. One night when Ernest decided to work a longer shift in the trenches, a bomb exploded right next to him. The only thing between Ernest and the bomb was a soldier. Without even thinking, Ernest immediately begin carrying the injured men out of the trench. While Ernest was carrying a man, he was shot in the knee. In â€Å"In Another Country† Ernest describes his experiences in the hospital in Milan. Even though it is never said the narrator in the story is obviously Ernest. The dialogue between the Italian major and the narrator of the story, first is focused on the majors hand injury, and the machines that are suppose to provide the miracle cure for the major’s and the narrator’s injuries. But what the reader quickly learns is that the major suffers not from the injury of his hand, but the loss of his wife. The machines becomes a hollow promise with unbelievable photographs with miracle cures, but the message is the majors life is empty with the loss of his wi... Free Essays on Ernest Hemingway Ernest M. Hemingway Do you ever ask yourself what makes life meaningful? For American novelist and short-story writer Ernest Hemingway, it was courage. The characters in his works might not win, but they always live and die bravely. Hemingway told it how it was and didn't hold anything back. Hemingway is well known for his novels of war, big game hunting, fishing, and bullfighting. One of his most famous works, "The Old Man and the Sea," describes an old fisherman's fight to keep a giant fish he caught from being eaten by sharks. Another of his famous works, "For Whom the Bells Tolls," describes a guerrilla fighter during the Spanish Civil War who knew he was doomed to fail. Ernest used his life when he wrote; including everything he did and everything that ever happened to him. He nevertheless remained a private person while wanting his stories to be read but also wanting to be left alone. He once said, "Don't look at me. Look at my words." During World War I Ernest served as an amb ulance driver, in Italy, for the American Red Cross and very much like Frederick Henry of, "A Farewell to Arms," was shot in his knee, recuperates in a hospital and tended by a caring nurse. Like the hero, in the book, he fell in love with the nurse and was given a medal for his heroism. In addition they both enjoyed drinking large amounts of alcohol as well. In "For Whom the Bell Tolls," Hemingway summarizes his own dissatisfaction about his father when he recalls his father's suicide and a character, Jordan, says, "I'll never forget how sick it made me the first time I knew he was a †¦ coward." This goes back to support how Hemingway wasn't afraid to speak his mind and also how he used his life when he wrote. I believe that Hemingway was obsessed with death. In the book, "A Farewell to Arms," Henry met his love, Catherine Barkley, before he was shot, but Catherine and her child died while she was giving birth. Many times Hemingway did not want to expose h...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs

AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs As AI scales, it will wind up less expensive and quicker to have a few kinds of work done by robots rather than people. One advantage of this is people will have the capacity to center around larger amount work that robots will be unable to do work that requires additionally considering, basic leadership, or enthusiastic knowledge, for instance. Notwithstanding, theres a typical and common worry that runs as one with this: a preparing dread that expanding robot work inalienably signifies diminishing human work (i.e. occupations). My view is substantially more idealistic. I trust robotization is a need in the close term to look after profitability. Over the long haul, we may even enhance current ways of life and all things considered work better less hours, for one, yet in addition all the more securely, more strongly with the assistance of AI. A suspicion behind our dread of man-made brainpower is that the pie (the number and sorts of jobsÐ’ available to people) remains the same, and robots will just remove occupations from people. While startling, this suspicion disregards two basic focuses: Robots are frequently filling the employments that relatively few or basically insufficient Americans need to do in the close term. As innovation propels, the pie will increment in measure, which means we really can create greater profitability and new kinds of employments. Filling in the unfilled spots An exceptionally close term advantage of AI is to help diminish the work deficiency in labor-overwhelming businesses, for example, assembling and agribusiness. Whats occurring in these businesses is that theres quite much work that insufficient individuals will do. Agribusiness, for instance, is theÐ’ least digitalized industryÐ’ and saw a 1% YOY decrease in profitability from 2005-2014, lower than each other industry outside of development and retail exchange. Numerous ranchers in California are so in need of innovation that they will experiment with and sign a Letter-of-Intent (LOI) with mechanical technology organizations in a matter of months. For point of view, a commonplace undertaking deals cycle is frequently 12-year and a half. Additionally, the greatest bottleneck for some manufacturing plant proprietors is work lack. On account of Heartland VC, I as of late met a few assembling proprietors in Indiana, and no matter how you look at it, the significant agony point they raised was essentially finding hourly specialists, period. Sometimes, the requirement for new specialists is great to the point that they procure without leading individual verifications. This is the absolute most problem that needs to be addressed on a considerable lot of the industrial facility proprietors brains. In different cases, a few occupations are so hazardous for people to do that casualty is a key concern. Phone tower and scaffold investigation, for instance, expects people to move to the highest point of these developments to direct work. With the change of precision and strength, ramble organizations currently can fly overhead for the benefit of people to take photos of the PDA towers or scaffolds, and let people laborers examine them from a far more secure vantage point the ground beneath. Expanding the pie: Introducing new parts Investigate a portion of the new occupations that has flown up as of late; for instance, an online life supervisor. This activity didnt exist before improvements like Facebook and Twitter. In that vein, a robot facilitator may be a future part that doesnt exist today. Envision your present place of employment expects you to gather boxes individually. Consistently you collect approximately 200 boxes in 10 hours. Imagine a scenario where, later on, you could control 10 machines to gather the containers. Your activity changes from box constructing agent to robot controller. Not exclusively do you presently have a cool new activity title, yet you may just need to give supervision to ensure things are running appropriately. In principle, you could do this while taking in a dialect or doing your week after week dinner arranging, and still hit if not surpass your same quantity. Adaptable human on the up and up occupations Heres a comparable thought. IveÐ’ written beforeÐ’ about my confidence in opening up the advantages of aides past simply the official suite, yet the idea of AI partners (alongside innumerable other AI arrangements) presents another sort of employment: human on top of it work. To put it obtusely, AI colleagues are sufficiently bad to inside and out supplant human collaborators, particularly when circumstances get intricate or require situational learning and setting. Be that as it may, these frameworks need to use human work in new ways: utilizing individuals to do last checking and approval on machine learning presumptions. Organizations creating AI aides and different sorts of ML-driven calculations are really expanding work for those searching for adaptable and remote work and enabling those contracts to go up against pieces or lumps of hours on end.

Friday, October 18, 2019

History of medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History of medicine - Essay Example Starting with the English medical professions in the 17th and 18th centuries, one of the most major and significant factors here is the fact that of little was actually known in regards to the field of medicine itself; "Very little was known about hygiene in the 17th century. People were not aware that disease was spread by germs which thrived on dirt. They did not think of washing their hands before eating or dressing a wound, so diseases could spread quickly" (National Maritime Museum, 2007). One of the most influential doctors in the medical profession at this time was Nicholas Culpeper, who was an English botanist, herbalist, physician, and astrologer, and who also published several books in his time. Culpeper worked to "bring medicinal treatments from the mysterious to the comprehensible. His philosophy was to teach the common folk to minister to themselves by providing them with the tools and knowledge for self health" (Wikipedia, 2007). In regards to the Colonial medical professions in the 17th and 18th centuries, there are both similarities and differences when compared to that of the previously discussed. For instance, one of the most major similarities is in regards to how the physician attitudes to popular or lay medicine, which was for the most part generally permeable to ideas from conventional and more standard practice, as well had a very serious bearing on that of variations in the medical practice itself. Then on the other hand, one of the biggest differences between the Colonial medical profession from that of the English medical profession during this time is in regards to how the Colonial medical practitioners placed a lot of confidence on the supposition that popular medicine rested on generations of experience and that folkways were a prudent and economical alternative to many of the more expensive treatments. There are several different factors in particular which led to the development of clinical medicine in France in the first half of the 19th century, and this includes that of: genomics, human genetics, hygiene, pharmacology, and scientific research. Another issue that is incredibly relevant and significant here is that of the impact of the French Revolution on the development of clinical medicine in France during the first half of the 19th century, and the French Revolution really did have quite an impact in this regards. During the first half of the 19th century, great evolutions were being made in regards to the field of medicine; new medical schools were developing, and Paris was just one significant location in France which was quickly working its way towards becoming the world center in science and medicine. The French Revolution caused many changes throughout France, many of which had an incredibly significant impact on the field of medicine, the majority of which resulted pos itively. From this review we can conclude many different things, several which are of particular importance, such as the fact of how similar and different the English and Colonial medical professions were in the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as what factors are considered to have led to the development of clinical medicine in France during this time, as well as during the first half of the 19th century, and furthermore we have also been able to understand about the impact that

Personal and profesional development Assignment

Personal and profesional development - Assignment Example The management decisions of the learning process need to balance between the teacher and the student. Some decisions keep revolving in the whole process. Some of the decisions will come from the teacher who guides the student while some will originate from the student since they involve the personal values and what the student will feel needs inculcating in them. Although these decisions balance between the teacher and the student, some will entirely lie in the teacher’s hands. These may involve decisions with the study curriculum, low structure tasks lie in the student’s decision line and they may have the student rely the decisions basing on the teachers guidance. Three essential dimensions need involvement in all the aspects of training and self-management. These are planning, implementation, and the evaluation processes (David, 1996, p.3). Lifelong learning process stems from a system that develops in the student from the learning stage. Evidence to this determined by how the student handles and controls his activities and decisions during the learning process. The planning process runs and develops as the student grows and the time this person takes to depends on the level of experience and personal controls of life. Life continues in the series of learning processes that only end when one decreases from the world. The learning process continues and so the need to develop a person in life features and the needs that they may have on their life and planning. Self-managed learning is about the individuals managing their own learning. This involves dealing with taking responsibility for decisions in their learning processes. This involves the decisions of what they learn, when they do the learning, how they do learn and where they learn. The most fundamental of them being why they learn that leads to the answers that give the student their quest. This involves the students deciding the learning goals and objectives that help the

Contract and employment agreement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Contract and employment agreement - Essay Example His work was reviewed and at one time, he was told to proofread his work. This means there indeed was an implied contract that meant Barnes was an employee to the company. Since Barnes was discharged, it should be proven that the termination does not amount to wrongful discharge, as the claims by the company’s vice president were informal. Hawk also points out fraudulent inducement, which indeed is exhibited when the company requests Barnes not to resign for another company, and that he might be promoted. Pentrix’s main aim is to keep highly skilled personnel within the company. Diana Gagnon in response to the question, ‘If you were investigating whether Barnes could successfully sue Pentrix, what information would you want to know?’ says she would need several pieces of information to know if Barnes could successfully sue Pentrix. She gives these pieces as; Barnes past performance reviews, copies of the employee handbooks and his signature page, the validi ty of the rumor as stated by Olga Svetlana with regard to the leaked information, and the discharge of the employees. While other points mentioned here may not be substantial, whether the rumor stated by the company’s vice chancellor on the leaking of information is worth an investigation to determine whether it was true or not, and as a result, whether Barnes can successfully sue.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

CVS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

CVS - Essay Example To keep growing its elderly client base, the areas that it should emphasize on include, optimal satisfaction, accuracy and speed, helpfulness and courtesy, and improve knowledge of the pharmacists. This way, the elderly population in need of confrontational services from qualified pharmacists can get personal advice with regard to understanding their personal health concerns, get consistent access to appropriate medication, receive customized services, and encounter short wait times. By engaging in these practices, CVS would be in a position to outperform major competing drug stores and address the needs of the elderly appropriately (Smart Retailing, 2014). To encourage older people to visit CVS Pharmacy, it should engage in practices that allow it to market its services actively to attract new clients. The store should lay emphasis on the advantages that its services bring in all the marketing activities it undertakes, mostly mailings, advertisements, and Internet marketing. For instance, allowing senior citizens to question their prevailing drug choice is vital in encouraging them to keep visiting the store. Although costs as well as convenience play a key role in determining the ways that older patients choose a pharmacy, care is a key determinant. Hence, it is vital for CVS to consider embarking on strong marketing through advertisements, mails, and other strategies that are appealing to old people. This way, the store would manage to ask whether clients are getting the care and convenience they need from the pharmacy (Smart Retailing, 2014). Promoting what makes a drug store unique is vital in encouraging senior citizens with medical problems to consume products from the pharmacy. The company can market low prices or 24/7 service provision. The pharmacy needs to play its key strengths as well as implement a messaging initiative to enforce the unique services it offers, such as service delivery


PROMOTING RECOVERY WORKING WITH COMPLEX NEEDS - Essay Example An increasing number of people in this group also have problems with substance misuse, often resulting in contact with the criminal justice system. These problems often interact and can appear intractable. Recent years have seen a paradigm shift in mental health, from a focus on illness and disability towards the promotion of recovery and social inclusion (Repper and Perkins, 2003). Underpinned by a stress vulnerability model of mental health problems (Zubin and Spring, 2004, 105; Nuechterlein, 2004, 300), a range of psychosocial interventions (PSI) can be used to enable service users to build on strengths and develop skills in order to manage their own mental health more effectively. This in turn can facilitate attainment by service users of socially valued roles and relationships taken for granted by most people. One of the available interventions is a structured approach to the prevention of relapse, developed by Birchwood and colleagues (Birchwood et al, 2000, 5), building on the early work of Herz and Melville (2006) and Birchwood himself (Birchwood et al, 2000, 652). This work had demonstrated that it was possible to predict relapse in psychosis on the basis of recognition of early warning signs. The intervention incorporates a strong educative element. This aims to increase understanding of the typically episodic nature of psychosis and to enhance service users' self-efficacy in relation to the management of their mental health. A Cochrane Review (Pekkala and Merinder, 2002) concluded that psychological education significantly reduces relapse rates, increases compliance with medication, and may have a positive effect on a person's well being. To deliver the relapse prevention intervention effectively calls for the use of a set of specialist knowledge and skills, in addition to general mental health nursing skills. Aims Our primary aim was to enhance the quality of service provided to users of the inpatient areas of the local mental health rehabilitation service by making the relapse prevention intervention available routinely and sustainably. An essential interim aim was to equip the multidisciplinary team with the knowledge, skills and confidence required to deliver the intervention effectively. To address these aims and evaluate whether they were achieved, we developed a project plan in six stages. In the event, workers from community settings also sought out the training, and so the original scope of the project was broadened to include all areas of the mental health rehabilitation service. This paper will focus on the aspects of the project relating to service users. Intervention The project was jointly led by the clinical nurse leader of the mental health rehabilitation services and a lecturer practitioner. At the outset we sought guidance from the Trust's research and development coordinator as to whether we should seek ethical approval for our planned project. The advice received was that the project represented service audi t/evaluation rather than research and, as such, ethical approval was not required. We began by attending clinical meetings at which we described our plans and encouraged discussion and questions by the multidisciplinary team. We refined a previously developed two-day training programme in order to meet the needs of a multidisciplinary group

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

American Eagle Airlines Flight 3379 Accident Research Paper

American Eagle Airlines Flight 3379 Accident - Research Paper Example   The research will conclude by providing recommendations of what needs to be done to prevent such accidents in the future. Air accidents have continued to occur despite the measures by the National Transport and Safety Board (NTSB), and the aviation industry. Recently, the aviation industry has witnessed major accidents, including the disappearance of the Malaysian Airline in 2014, and the recent German airline in the French Alps. The main causes of airline accidents have been cited to be inexperienced pilots, physiological and psychological factors, and weather conditions (Grossman, 2013). Most busy airlines overwork pilots and cabin crew, a situation that has been blamed for making pilots make wrong decisions. Fatigue is a major factor that interferes with the level of productivity and job satisfaction of cabin crew. Some pilots experience mental disorders, such as depression, hence affecting their judgment and prone to making the wrong decisions. The flagship airline flight 3379 crashed in 1994. The flight origin was Piedmont Triad International Airport and the final destination was Raleigh-Durham Airport. There were 18 passenger and 2 crewmembers (Aircraft Accident Report, 1995). The experience any mechanical problem until when the pilot received the clearance to land. The ignition light of one of the engines illuminated in the cockpit, calling for immediate intervention. It appears that the pilot panicked on realizing the speed of the plane began to decrease drastically. Without taking a moment to determine the cause of the incident, the pilot decided to execute a missed approach.


PROMOTING RECOVERY WORKING WITH COMPLEX NEEDS - Essay Example An increasing number of people in this group also have problems with substance misuse, often resulting in contact with the criminal justice system. These problems often interact and can appear intractable. Recent years have seen a paradigm shift in mental health, from a focus on illness and disability towards the promotion of recovery and social inclusion (Repper and Perkins, 2003). Underpinned by a stress vulnerability model of mental health problems (Zubin and Spring, 2004, 105; Nuechterlein, 2004, 300), a range of psychosocial interventions (PSI) can be used to enable service users to build on strengths and develop skills in order to manage their own mental health more effectively. This in turn can facilitate attainment by service users of socially valued roles and relationships taken for granted by most people. One of the available interventions is a structured approach to the prevention of relapse, developed by Birchwood and colleagues (Birchwood et al, 2000, 5), building on the early work of Herz and Melville (2006) and Birchwood himself (Birchwood et al, 2000, 652). This work had demonstrated that it was possible to predict relapse in psychosis on the basis of recognition of early warning signs. The intervention incorporates a strong educative element. This aims to increase understanding of the typically episodic nature of psychosis and to enhance service users' self-efficacy in relation to the management of their mental health. A Cochrane Review (Pekkala and Merinder, 2002) concluded that psychological education significantly reduces relapse rates, increases compliance with medication, and may have a positive effect on a person's well being. To deliver the relapse prevention intervention effectively calls for the use of a set of specialist knowledge and skills, in addition to general mental health nursing skills. Aims Our primary aim was to enhance the quality of service provided to users of the inpatient areas of the local mental health rehabilitation service by making the relapse prevention intervention available routinely and sustainably. An essential interim aim was to equip the multidisciplinary team with the knowledge, skills and confidence required to deliver the intervention effectively. To address these aims and evaluate whether they were achieved, we developed a project plan in six stages. In the event, workers from community settings also sought out the training, and so the original scope of the project was broadened to include all areas of the mental health rehabilitation service. This paper will focus on the aspects of the project relating to service users. Intervention The project was jointly led by the clinical nurse leader of the mental health rehabilitation services and a lecturer practitioner. At the outset we sought guidance from the Trust's research and development coordinator as to whether we should seek ethical approval for our planned project. The advice received was that the project represented service audi t/evaluation rather than research and, as such, ethical approval was not required. We began by attending clinical meetings at which we described our plans and encouraged discussion and questions by the multidisciplinary team. We refined a previously developed two-day training programme in order to meet the needs of a multidisciplinary group

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Suicide and Friend Essay Example for Free

Suicide and Friend Essay Teen suicide is something we all know about; some of us more than others. It is a horrible murderer that takes away our friends, brothers, sisters, cousins†¦and what does it leave behind? The sad memory and wonder of if we could have helped is all that lingers when it takes away the ones close to us. Only two months ago, there was a girl that is known to most teenagers in Georgia. She was outgoing, friendly, helpful, sweet, hilarious, and seemed to light up a room. I never had the pleasure of actually becoming close to her. This girl and I maybe talked twice and she reminded me of myself. She was a bubbly girl, but behind the mask of happiness and a bouncy girl. was the face of a sad girl wanting help. Maybe that’s why I could relate to her. I, too, was like that when we’d talked. Just as I was reaching my breaking point, the girl reached hers. Rachel was her name. She’d attempted to take her life and, two weeks later, died on October 29th, 2009. Like all teen suicides, it affected everyone. Her parents were destroyed, her ex-boyfriend felt guilty to the point of which he wanted to die, her friends missed her and took their anger out on all the wrong people, and it resulted it horrible events. The reason I chose this topic of teen suicide isn’t because it is the 3rd leading cause of death for teens or because of mere stories of it. I chose this because not only do I know the facts, I’ve personally experienced situations where I almost lost a friend and I did lose a girl that could have been like a sister to me. When teens want to die, almost nothing will stop them . It may seem selfish to say, â€Å"Live for me† when they had to live through pain, but what they don’t understand is the pain will pass. There’s an organization especially made for teaching the teenagers that there’s something to live for. It is called, To Write Love On Her Arms. The name has it’s own story behind it, as does the reasoning for the organization being founded, and it’s helped many teens escape the choking grip of suicide. A hotline I had used was an easy one to remember. It was 1-800-SUICIDE. The hotline gave me two operators and they personally helped me. My friend was considering suicide and this hotline helped him. Before you down the idea, let me tell you about it. The friend was given the help he needed and talked down without being taken to the mental institute. Just because someone is suicidal, it doesn’t mean they’re crazy. Think of this: 27% of teens at one high school admitted to secretly wanting to commit suicide and 8% of them did it. That’s proof that suicidal teens are not crazy teens. Why else would a teen commit suicide every 100 minutes? Does that mean that the world is full of lunatics? No. It means that the world is full of teenagers with problems and no answers to them As some of you take teen suicide as a joke, others take it as a personal stab to the heart. We’ve lost friends and family to this horrid killer, but there is only one way to stop it. We have to be understanding, yet helpful . Your friend may get mad if you try to help, but would you rather have the friend dislike you for a little while and be alive or have them love you and dead? As for those that are suicidal, don’t think that the world will be better without you because it won’t. In this world, you are one of a kind. Each and every one of us is unique. If you’re gone, people WILL miss you. It may seem to be the end to your problems, but it’s the beginning to others’ pain.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mertons theory

Mertons theory Compare and contrast Mertons theory and the labelling theory of deviance. I. Introduction Your Essay Outline Write about Compare and contrast Mertons theory and the labelling theory of deviance in the first sentence. Summarize Mertons Theory in the second sentence. Summarize Labelling Theory of Deviance in the second sentence. Summarize Comparions contrast in the third sentence. Briefly summarize So in short, both theories try to explain crime from a social perspective but one explains why crime begins while the other one explains why crime continues. in the final sentence of the first paragraph. In second paragraph you need to expand on Mertons Theory. Write one sentence summarizing Mertons Theory. Then write two sentences expounding on Mertons Theory. Be sure to back up your argument for Mertons Theory. In the final sentence transition from Mertons Theory to Labelling Theory of Deviance In third paragraph you need to expand on Labelling Theory of Deviance. Write one sentence summarizing Labelling Theory of Deviance. Then write two sentences expounding on Labelling Theory of Deviance. Be sure to back up your argument for Labelling Theory of Deviance. In the final sentence transition from Labelling Theory of Deviance to Comparions contrast. In fourth paragraph you need to expand on Comparions contrast. Write one sentence summarizing Comparions contrast. Then write two sentences expounding on Comparions contrast. Be sure to back up your argument for Comparions contrast. In the final sentence transition from Comparions contrast to your So in short, both theories try to explain crime from a social perspective but one explains why crime begins while the other one explains why crime continues.. In the fifth and final paragraph, summarize Mertons Theory again. Summarize Labelling Theory of Deviance again. Summarize Comparions contrast again. Then write two sentences stating your So in short, both theories try to explain crime from a social perspective but one explains why crime begins while the other one explains why crime continues.. Outline and assess the structionalist themes of crime and deviance Structural theories of deviance are similar to Mertons theory. They explain the origins of deviance in terms of the position of individuals or groups in the social structure. In the 1930s Robert k Merton wrote an article entitled Social Structure and Anomie. It became one of the most influential explanations of crime and deviance. He offered a social rather than psychological or biological explanation. In particular, it was a structionalist theory as it saw the structure of society shaping peoples behaviour. According to Merton, American culture attaches great importance to success and success is measured in terms of money and material possessions. There are norms which define legitimate means for achieving success. These legitimate means include gaining skills and qualifications and career advancement. The American dream states that anybody can make it to the top if they try hard enough. So much emphasis is placed on material success that many people experience pressure to deviate from accepted norms and values. Deviance occurs when they reject the goals of success and/or the legitimate means of reaching that goal. For example, some people are tempted to use nay means of getting to the top-even if that involves criminal behaviour. Merton refers to this pressure as a strain to anomie. Anomie means normlessness it refers to a situation where norms no longer guide behaviour, where anything goes. Despite what the American dream says, not everybody has an equal chance at success. The social structure prevents equal opportunity. In particular, the strain to anomie is most strongly felt by those at the bottom of the class structure. They are less likely to acquire skills and qualifications needed to reach the top. As a result, they are more likely to seek alternative routes to success. Merton identifies five possible adaptations or responses to the strain to anomie in American society, conformity, innovation, ritualism, retreatism, rebellion. Conformity according to Merton, most people conform despite the strain to anomie. Even if they dont make it, they continue to strive for success and follow the normative means of getting there. Innovation, people who adopt the deviant adaptation accept the goals of success but, in Mertons words, they have little access to conventional and legitimate means to becoming successful. As a result, some innovate-they turn to legitimate means, to crime. The pressure to select this adaptation is greatest for those in the lower levels of the class system. Ritualism, people who follow this deviant route abandon the goal of success, but stick rigidly to the rules- for example, people in dead end, white collar occupations that follow their job descriptions to the letter. Retreatism, this deviant adaptation involves a rejection of both the goal of success and the normative means of achieving it. It applies to people who drop out- tramps, drug addicts and habitual drunkards. Rebellion, this involves a rejection of conventional goals and means and their replacement with alternatives. The revolutionary who seeks to change society illustrates this type of deviant adaptation. Mertons strain theory was an early attempt to explain crime and deviance in terms of culture and structure of society. It provided a sociological alternative to biological and psychological theories. In particular, it offered an explanation for working class crime. Whatever its weaknesses, Mertons work provided a spur for the development of further theories of crime and deviance. Mertons theory does raise a number of unanswered questions. First, why do people but not others adopt deviant adaptations? For example, why do some people in the lower levels of the class system turn to crime but others do not? Secondly, Mertons theory focuses on individuals rather than groups. Crime and deviance are often collective activities. How can this be explained in terms of strain theory? Thirdly, crime and deviance are not always motivated by a desire for monetary gain. How can activities such as vandalism and fighting between rival gangs be explained in terms of Mertons theory? In search for these answers subculural theory was formed. Subcultural theories explain deviance in terms of the subculture of a social group. They argue that certain groups develop norms and values which to some extent different from those held by other members of society. For example, some groups of criminals or delinquents might develop norms that encourage and reward criminal activity. Other members of society may regard such activities as immoral, and strongly disapprove of them. Subcultual theories claim that deviance is the result of individuals conforming to the norms and values of the social group to which they belong. Members of subcultures are not completely different from other members of society: they may speak the same language, wear similar clothes, and attach the same value to family life. However, their subculture is sufficiently different from the culture of society as a whole to lead to them committing acts that are generally regarded as deviant. Often, structural and sub cultural theories are combined, as in Albert Cohens analysis of delinquency. The development of subcultures is explained in terms of the position of groups and individuals in the social structure. Cohen was the first sociologist to develop a subcultual theory of working class crime and deviance. He examined delinquent gangs in low-income, inner city areas. Delinquency refers to the criminal and anti social acts of young people. Cohen agreed with Merton that the mainstream value of success creates problems for young working class males. Many do badly at school and fail to acquire the skills and qualifications needed for success. Employing Durkheims concept of anomie, Robert K Merton, an American sociologist, developed his theory of deviance by analysing the American reward system. Mertons argument is that in a well-regulated society, goals and the means of achieving these goals are integrated in that they are available to all in society. In some societies the accepted means of achieving these goals are not available to all, hence those who wish to achieve the goals, but are not able to do so through legitimate means, must adapt to the situation. Merton presented a typology describing the modes of adaptation. The important aspect of the typology is the relationship between the cultural goals and the institutionalised means of achieving them. I will describe the typology in the following paragraphs. Howard S. Beckers labelling theory of deviance asserts that deviance and conformity result, not so much from what people do, but from how others respond to those actions. It analyses how definitions for deviant behaviour are created by social groups. Merton then sets out a typology of modes of adaptation in terms of conformity, or non-conformity, to cultural goals and institutionalised means: 1. Innovation accepting cultural goals but employing illegitimate means, for example, property theft, cheats. 2. Ritualism adherence to means whilst ignoring the goals, for example, bureaucratic adherence to routine going through the motions. 3. Retreatism withdrawal, opting out of socially defined desirable behaviour, for example, alcoholics, addicts. 4. Rebellion not only rejection of goals and means, but a positive attempt to replace them with alternative values, for example, political revolutionaries, religious prophets. Mertons analysis suggests that deviant behaviour is functional. First, for the individuals involved, since it enables them to adapt to the circumstances in which they find themselves. And second, for society as a whole since modes of individual adaptation help to maintain the boundaries between acceptable and non-acceptable forms of behaviour. Criticisms 1. Non conformity, such as ritualism, is not really the same as deviance (indeed with ritualism you do the actions, but have the wrong thoughts its nearer blasphemy). It does not convey the same stigmatising quality as in the label deviant. 2. The assumption of cultural consensus is implicit in the idea of cultural goals, and ignores the possibility of sub-cultures and a pluralistic culture, where cultural goals might differ considerably. 3. It does not really provide a causal theory as to why some groups might adapt via rebellion and others by retreatism. Obviously some form of socialised commitment and differential associations becomes crucial for influencing perceptions of the alternatives to conformity. It does not explain movement into deviant careers. 4. It does not take into account that just as legitimate means to success are limited, that so too are the illegitimate opportunities. Not everyone has equal access to criminal sub-cultures. An analysis of the opportunities for deviant activity is required. However, Merton never claimed that his typology was a total theory of deviance and many of the criticisms of his work were picked up on and improvements attempted by sub-cultural theorists. Conclusion Mertons strain theory is basically an explanation of why people commit crime. His approach involves looking at how people accept reject or redefine our cultural goals according to the means available to them in accepting those goals. So for example, success is the goal, the appropriately accepted way to achieve success in America is through the belief that hard work will get us success. But many people work hard and are not successful. So one adjustment would be to reject the idea that hard work is how to become successful and replace that means of achieving success with an alternative method such as selling drugs. You achieve monetary success without hard work. Labeling theory is also an effort to explain crime from a sociological position. However labeling theory explains why a person continues committing a crime but does not explain why they committed a crime in the first place. So in short, both theories try to explain crime from a social perspective but one explains why crime begins while the other one explains why crime continues.